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    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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almarst-2001 - 08:54pm Apr 16, 2002 EST (#1395 of 1422)

A slogan on a wall expressed the reaction of many poor Venezuelans to the U.S. position. "Yankees, game over. Yours lost," it said. -

almarst-2001 - 09:06pm Apr 16, 2002 EST (#1396 of 1422)

US Official Trying to Sabotage UN-Iraq Arms Talks -

almarst-2001 - 09:12pm Apr 16, 2002 EST (#1397 of 1422)

Morals of the brothel -,5673,684361,00.html

almarst-2001 - 09:15pm Apr 16, 2002 EST (#1398 of 1422)

The lunar landscape that was the Jenin refugee camp -,2763,685133,00.html

almarst-2001 - 09:27pm Apr 16, 2002 EST (#1399 of 1422)

The CIA And The Venezuela Coup -

almarst-2001 - 09:44pm Apr 16, 2002 EST (#1400 of 1422)

Terror/War -

Chomsky Interview -

"one elementary principle is that if something is right for us, then it's right for others. If it's wrong for others, it's wrong for us. If we can't accept that principle, we can't even talk about right and wrong."

almarst-2001 - 09:50pm Apr 16, 2002 EST (#1401 of 1422)

A diplomatic disaster -

almarst-2001 - 10:02pm Apr 16, 2002 EST (#1402 of 1422)

The Russian Federation greets the return of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez -

lchic - 10:16pm Apr 16, 2002 EST (#1403 of 1422)
"They just started demolishing with the people inside" Jenin

One notes that for ethical reasons based on impotence (assisted by impotence of UN) the Dutch Government has resigned ... they felt compelled to ..

Using the same logic then Bush might consider resigning .. in that Bush has been incompetent with respect to keeping peace in the Middle East, Bush has actually funded the aggressor to go into Jenin and Masacre innocents, America has put Missiles into the Hands of Israel who have neither fiancial value - nor - human value comprehension.

Interesting how the American DEEP SOUTH has abused and treated as second rate those of Indian-African Origin.

Looking at the Bush Administration personally I have to wonder whether folks such as Powell and Rice are pawns rather than truely liberated, free agents. They seem to be enslaved to do the Deep South's unethical Red Neck Bidding -- which, in a year when their ilk have at last been elevated, degrades.

almarst-2001 - 10:48pm Apr 16, 2002 EST (#1404 of 1422)

"Powell and Rice are pawns"


They are just are smiling faces of a brutal EMPIRE.

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