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    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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rshow55 - 01:29pm Apr 5, 2002 EST (#1120 of 1127) Delete Message

The risks to the whole world are great enough that heads of nation states ought to be paying attention, and asking questions. The "missile defense" muddle-fraud ought to be a good place to start asking questions, because the deceptions are so blatant and so clear.

lchic - 01:38pm Apr 5, 2002 EST (#1121 of 1127)

Ken STARR was looking into the Carlyle - Conflict of Interest matter - impeachment - Village Voice August 2001 .... his attention's slipped !?!

And the rest of America - too busy fawning to the Texas Cowboy!

lchic - 01:47pm Apr 5, 2002 EST (#1122 of 1127)

    US today signalled a significant shift in its handling of the Middle East crisis, saying it is willing to open discussions on Palestinian demands before the current violence is brought under control

rshow55 - 02:10pm Apr 5, 2002 EST (#1123 of 1127) Delete Message

On issues of missile defense, the question of fraud, and other forms of systematic deception, aren't the only questions. But they are questions that need to be adressed.

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MD428 wrcooper 3/13/02 8:16am

How do we get facts accepted ?

There needs to be some decency - some sense that, when stakes go beyond a point, getting right answers is a moral obligation.

That kind of decency is lacking today.

rshow55 - 03:04pm Apr 5, 2002 EST (#1124 of 1127) Delete Message

Sometimes things get better. It can happen quickly. Russia is in far better shape than she was last March -- see "Muddle in Moscow" .....

Russia, under Putin's leadership, has faced up to problems it actually had, and moved forward in sensible ways.

What would happen if the United States used the resources it had more effectively? What if we made decisions with more of the honesty and competence that the rest of the world hopes for, and expects from America ?

We could have better security. Both because of increased military effectiveness and because we'd be more respected and less hated..

And if we took some of the resources now squandered on programs that can't possibly work, and spent them on real national needs -- a lot might get done. We might get a long way toward solving both the world's long term energy shortage, and global warming, if we redeployed money now wasted on "missile defense" programs that have absolutely no chance of working.

If the US was more honest about its problems, we'd also have a better chance of getting other people in the world to solve theirs, and to attend to our notions of morality.

manjumicha2001 - 05:47pm Apr 5, 2002 EST (#1125 of 1127)

The 21st century is starting off badly for America....beginning with that infamous Clinton/Marc Rich sell-off of presidential power; the constitutional crisis re: Bush's election in Florida; the Enron scandel manifesting the corruption of American system to its core; the 9/11 attack on NYC; $300 billion forced march toward NMD nirvana...the list is long and the problem is beyond the individual personalities (i.e. Bush, Clinton, Skilling, etc).

And now, the American foregin policy with Bush Jr. at its helm is facing the most important crisis of all.....rejection of American leadership in both Western Europe and East Asia. The signs are not yet too obvious but they are slowly but surely making strategic decisions that run contrary to the US leadership in their regions. After all, much of American power was "given" unto it and what was once given can be taken away....consensus creeps on you and before you realize it, it would be a reality on the ground. I apologize for sounding too vague in this posting quote rshow's dictum "connect the dots" are some dots.......Europe's decision to deploy Galileo GPS system; Japan's go-alone decision on key military programs (i.e. H2 and reconn. satellite programs) and its China plan; China's rapidly progressing independent space program and the development of the continental economy; Islam rage against America (a Zionist colony in their book)......Well, no wonder I almost miss Bush senior lately. He was in many ways the last of the "tribe" that led the American century. Is there hope on the horizon? Looking at the crops of American leaders today, one has to be a bit depressed.

manjumicha2001 - 05:57pm Apr 5, 2002 EST (#1126 of 1127)


Character precedes visions in my opinion. While being sympathetic of your lamentations re: distorted priorities, they are the natural fruits of the fact that the collective American character has been much distorted first thanks to Hollywoodization of American politics and media for the last 30 years of 20th century........Americans love NMD because it fits their collective imagination molded by Hollywood and the "instant culture." Diplomacy and negotiations are for sissies and most of all boring. Teh babyboomer politicians lack the backbone of those tough souls who grew up during the depression....I am sounding way too depressing today, my apologies.

Maybe Rshow's enlightening ideas of hydrogen-based fuel system or aquacultural solution to world hunger will lighten my spirit ? So spill the beans, rshow, how can aquaculture program feed hungry NKs, for example?

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