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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 06:24am Sep 18, 2001 EST (#9335 of 9351)

Saw the old movie 'Red Feather', the weekend past. It was so predictable. One knew who would live, who would die, that the outlaw 'The Sidewinder' would be brought to justice.

President_fWd has moved into Fifties_Cowboy mode. If it wasn't High Noon last Tuesday at the Whitehouse ... it is now!

So 'wanted dead or alive' eh? That sidewinder out in Afghanistan. And BwshFwd declares WAR.

The simplistic Fifties it no longer is.

The Fifties were a good time, and a bad time for Hollywood. The Artistic Community were hounded, made to shut up, and be afraid. And that Nazi fear still pervades the American press who should be asking 'Why did Tragic Tuesday happen' - but arn't.

Were the historical truth and true answers to be found, then, who knows, where FatherBush missed impeachment ... here's that old gulf war poem .. then the encumbrant might not.

Hollywood know when electrical tape, over a dumb-brain-presidential-mouth, has it's uses! Bwsh the AWOL veteran is riding rough shod straight into a scrape the world will take a long time to get out of.

rshowalter - 06:25am Sep 18, 2001 EST (#9336 of 9351) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

There are a lot of people, from all walks of life, of all ranks, from all over the world, telling the Bush administration to stop, look, and listen. For very good reasons.

We need to reduce terror in all its forms, in a way that increases the security and justice in an inevitably imperfect world.

If we in the West could find ways to actually "make good" on the hopes so many (like C.P. Snow, and like Thomas Friedman in The Lexus and The Olive Tree ) have expressed - - if we really offered these people better alternatives - - they'd turn away from horror and hatred, more than they're doing --- and we'd all be safer.

As it stands, we're setting up a fight with 100 million people, many of them competent, however unsympathetic they may seem to us.

We need to at least make an effort to approach the problem with clean hands.

As of now, by the standards of most people in the world, we're not doing so.

We have to acknowledge that there are things about ourselves that are ugly too - - before we can do a persuasive job of asking others to change, on our behalf.

The changes have to work for them in their minds, and fill their emotional needs.

How many people do you know and respect who give in to threats, without fighting back, then or later?

The Bush administration, by dehumanizing and overthreatening, is making some very bad decisions, based on entirely impractical assumptions about how human beings act.

We're dangerous animals.

lunarchick - 06:35am Sep 18, 2001 EST (#9337 of 9351)

He turned to his spinmeisters and gave them a whistle,
Then they cheered-on Slick Willie as he launched another missile.
They all heard him exclaim, with Impeachment out of sight,
"Happy Ramadan to all, and to all a good night."

This ref to FatherBush from the poem above ... suggests the the Gulf War was a detractor to avoid impeachment ... - TheNewsHour has devotees of Presidential History it calls upon who might respond - how do they read it?

rshowalter - 06:44am Sep 18, 2001 EST (#9338 of 9351) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

MD9316 rshowalter 9/17/01 9:09pm

lunarchick - 06:45am Sep 18, 2001 EST (#9339 of 9351)

Back to gun toting presidentBwsh!

How comfortable and happy the guy appears to be -- planning armagedon.

Noticed that the techno-military share prices went up this week. Good commissions for Dad!

logician3 - 06:46am Sep 18, 2001 EST (#9340 of 9351)
Bush is an idiot.

We should not pursue NMD, as Cheney is advocating, as it will be a monstrous boondoggle that will be an incredible waste of taxpayer money.

Unfortunately, it may pass Congress because of the current war-hawk euphoria.

lunarchick - 06:54am Sep 18, 2001 EST (#9341 of 9351)

That Congress consists of a two party system only ... where the rest of the world's houses have more parties and reflect diversity ... suggests that the USA system needs tweaking to modernity. Where are the calm voices of descent and reason ?

rshowalter - 06:55am Sep 18, 2001 EST (#9342 of 9351) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

logician3 9/18/01 6:46am ... The cost, compared to some other things, is not so important, for this year.

Checking , to show what a boondoggle it is, and who it has corrupted and enriched is important , because it is a part of a much larger pattern of subversion of basic American institutions that needs to be understood, both by Americans, and by the whole world.

MD5460 rshowalter 6/19/01 4:04pm

MD5445 rshowalter 6/20/01 12:53pm

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