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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 09:37am Sep 17, 2001 EST (#9260 of 9281) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Star Wars is an exemplar -- and a remarkably clear example, of a policy that doesn't work - - carried out so sloppily, with so little crosschecking, that it couldn't possibly work.

Something like 100 billion has been wasted, and enormous amounts of technical manpower has been used and corrupted.

We should continue with it?

We shouldn't, on parts (the parts I know about) that cannot reasonably be expected to work at levels that can reasonably serve the security of the United States of America.

Nothing that happened on September 11 changes any of the negative things, on this thread or elsewhere, about the boondoggle and fraud called "missile defense." Or changes the paucity of technical reasons to support it.

lunarchick - 09:42am Sep 17, 2001 EST (#9261 of 9281)

Robert Fisk: Truth v Lies Fisk_links

lunarchick - 09:45am Sep 17, 2001 EST (#9262 of 9281)

The small Aussie market dropped $AU30b today. Banks, Insurance, travel were down.

lunarchick - 09:52am Sep 17, 2001 EST (#9263 of 9281)

rshowalter - 09:55am Sep 17, 2001 EST (#9264 of 9281) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

A crucial issue about missile defense involves issues of community:

MD3153 gisterme 5/3/01 1:09pm ... MD3154 rshowalter 5/3/01 1:17pm

And the answers connect to our problems with terrorism, in all its forms.

lunarchick - 09:57am Sep 17, 2001 EST (#9265 of 9281)

Robert Fisk:

lunarchick - 09:58am Sep 17, 2001 EST (#9266 of 9281)

WRT religion (above) i muted that these guys should work out a generic model. Get back to basics. From the Golden Rule onwards.

lunarchick - 10:03am Sep 17, 2001 EST (#9267 of 9281)

Repositioning America in the world mind.

Should America look closely at the way it has weakened and crippled peoples demands for improved democracy over the past 60 years.

Media polls - around the world - show that there is wide distrust (and rightly) of the USA.

A point made on this thread, is that behind the American government is a secret establishment that has dictated policy abroad.

There is a need for the Government to take a considered and open look at the past.

To digest it.

To seek to change its' to OTHERs ... and find good things to do wrt giving sensible developmental aide to countries trying to establish themselves and develop.

rshowalter - 10:06am Sep 17, 2001 EST (#9268 of 9281) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

These things would make the US much better, and safer. And wealthier. Justified trust is good for business. And survival.

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