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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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almarst-2001 - 03:52pm Sep 16, 2001 EST (#9184 of 9192)

US has "no choice" but to strike countries that harbor terrorists -

WASHINGTON, Sept 16 (AFP) - Vowing to go on the offensive against terrorist, US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Sunday the United States had "no choice" but to strike targets in countries that harbor terrorists.

"The reality is that the best defense against terrorism is an offense, that is to say taking the battle to the terrorists and particularly to the countries across this globe that have been tolerating, facilitating, financing and making possible the activities of those terrorists."

Asked whether that meant striking targets in countries that harbor terrorists, he said, "We have no choice."

almarst-2001 - 03:58pm Sep 16, 2001 EST (#9185 of 9192)


Middle East in general:

rshowalter - 04:04pm Sep 16, 2001 EST (#9186 of 9192) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Almarst , those are important posts - - and nations all over the world, especially military officers people in responsible positions in NATO, need to consider them.

The United States has never renounced first use of nuclear weapons - - In my all-day dialog with "becq" on September 25, 2000, the point was made very clear. MD301 beckq 9/25/00 5:03pm

The rest of the world should think about that very seriously - - I do not believe that this is a stance that the United States can reasonably take, and then ask the rest of the world to stand with it against terrorism.

almarst-2001 - 04:05pm Sep 16, 2001 EST (#9187 of 9192)

B Kuwait urged to clamp down on illegal Islamist groups that fuel terrorism -

That's pretty close to the HEAD.

almarst-2001 - 04:08pm Sep 16, 2001 EST (#9188 of 9192)

The WMD are surelly the ultimate tools of terror.

However, the Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Serbia exmples have shown how the conventional arms can be no less useful.

almarst-2001 - 04:14pm Sep 16, 2001 EST (#9189 of 9192)

BRITAIN HARBORS INTERNATIONAL TERRORISTS The UK Home Office views as "very serious charges against the government" British media reports that the United Kingdom has become a safe haven for Islamic extremists preaching global terrorism, a Home Office spokesman said in a statement Sunday. -

rshowalter - 04:51pm Sep 16, 2001 EST (#9190 of 9192) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

MD8880^1405068@.f0ce57b/9951... MD8881rshowalter 9/12/01 6:11pm

I think people should read the all-day discussion I had with "becq" on September 25 2000 (who I believed at the time was Bill Clinton) and see how matter-of-factly he acknowledged the role of nuclear threats in US diplomacy.

MD8882 rshowalter 9/12/01 6:16pm

That day started with a proposal from me MD266-269 rshowalt 9/25/00 7:32am went on all day, included this:

" Quite true thats why America makes it quite clear and indicates that it will use nuclear weapons if it feels it needs to. " MD301 beckq 9/25/00 5:03pm

the day ended with an offer from me that still stands MD304 rshowalt 9/25/00 5:28pm

It seemed to me then, and still seems to me, to be an unapologetic terrorist stance. Almarst has said so, too.

If we changed our stance, we'd have a much better chance of controlling all other forms of terrorism.

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