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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 03:49am Sep 16, 2001 EST (#9159 of 9169)

MARGARET WARNER: Mr. Bearden, you, of course, were on the front lines of that Afghan war. Does this jibe with your view?

MILTON BEARDEN: I think we can overdraw the experience of the Afghan Arabs as opposed to the Afghan people themselves. That war was fought and essentially won by the Afghan people who lost a million dead, a million and a half maimed and maybe 5, 6, 7 million driven in to external exile. We can overdraw the role of the Afghan Arabs played in that war. I think it has been....

MARGARET WARNER: When you say Afghan Arabs, you mean people from other countries who were recruited by the CIA -


A challenge for a generation MARGARET WARNER: Or, do you mean indigenous Afghans?

MILTON BEARDEN: No. I mean Arabs that came to Afghanistan, that came to Pakistan to take part in the Jihad. The CIA actually avoided the issue of recruiting Arabs for this war, although many people will claim that that's a fact. That never happened - just simply didn't happen. The truth is, is that the Arabs that came to take part in this were more engaged in fund-raising activities, Osama bin Laden for example, building homes for orphans and widows of martyrs of the war.

The truth is that there was a very marginal role by non-Afghans in that war. They fought it; they didn't need any help to fight it except what we were providing them. So I think we have to try to redefine this just a little bit. I have no doubts that these people were affected by that, these Afghan Arabs, the people who came from the Arab world. But I would take issue with what some of the assessments I hear of the role they played in it.

lunarchick - 04:01am Sep 16, 2001 EST (#9160 of 9169)

Three Wise Monkeys

lunarchick - 04:02am Sep 16, 2001 EST (#9161 of 9169)

lunarchick "Science News Poetry" 9/15/01 6:00pm

lunarchick - 04:04am Sep 16, 2001 EST (#9162 of 9169)

The school instructors were suspicious of a guy who didn't want to learn take-off or landing - in the flight simulator. FBI arrested him - as an illegal immigrant. They missed!!!

lunarchick - 04:09am Sep 16, 2001 EST (#9163 of 9169)

Pilger, John 1989 The Secret State p 184 .. on ASIO - Australian Intelligence.

Since it's inception in 1949, ASIO had distinguished itself by not uncovering a single spy or traitor (this is still the case); yet it had become almost as powerful in Australia as the CIA was under William CASEY during the Reagan years. ASIO's speciality was, and is, the pursuit of paranoia.

lunarchick - 04:30am Sep 16, 2001 EST (#9164 of 9169)

WTC immediate recovery re business relates to security / quality_standards (eg)

lunarchick - 04:32am Sep 16, 2001 EST (#9165 of 9169)

irishguard "Maureen Dowd" 9/16/01 3:02am

lunarchick - 05:14am Sep 16, 2001 EST (#9166 of 9169)

Empathy towards 'Others' fits in maslow's pyramid at levels 3 and is a requirement to move on to 4 :

3) Belonginess and Love: affiliate with others, be accepted; and

    4) Esteem: to achieve, be competent, gain approval and recognition.

WRT a 2:1 Oz-Public-desire for America to chase us all into military engagement ...
raises the question why do 2 out of 3 people
fail to see 'Others' as people.
People with similar needs and aspirations to their own?

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