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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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aaphrodite - 09:46pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9014 of 9027)

If the money the USA intend to 'throw at' this thing were put into THE FOUNDATION OF LOVE .. and used to educate, develop attitudes and economies ... would it out war?

lunarchick - 09:48pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9015 of 9027)

logician3 - 09:48pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9016 of 9027)
Bush is an idiot.

aaphrodite 9/13/01 9:40pm

Didn't you ever watch cowboy movies?

One American is worth 10 Indians any day.

aaphrodite - 09:58pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9017 of 9027)

any day

those days are over ...

Indians can be worth ten times any cowboy today

thanks to casino investments




black jack

russian roulette





The basics of civilization are subject to change .. yet the return to 'the laws of the jungle' .. chaos and no laws .. can happen

Will America have the sense to step back and be rational .... ?

Not according to an American Academic at a local U .. (there are 3 in town) ... his take was that uncle Sam would find something big and ham footedly start to throw it. Scandinavian Thor will confirm that!

lunarchick - 10:08pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9018 of 9027)

The Whitehouse has had it's day. Seems it is no longer a 'safe workplace' for a president. No longer a 'safe playplace' for little leaguers.

Time to turn it into a museum and build new!?!

lunarchick - 10:13pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9019 of 9027)

lunarchick "Science News Poetry" 9/13/01 10:12pm

gisterme - 10:14pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9020 of 9027)

rshowalter wrote ( rshowalter 9/13/01 9:01pm ):

"gisterme , if you have national rank, and people listen to you, they shouldn't..."

You know I have nothing to do with the government...why do you persist in trying to project that illusion? It is false. As to whether or not people listen to me, frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. I say what I all comes from the heart. I've said nothing that I don't believe or that I know to be false...and your false assumptions can't change that.

"...I was outraged, all right..."

Wellll, it's good of you to say so, finally.

"...But losing your head doesn't help..."

My head is quite attached and accounted for, thank you. It's yours that I've been wondering about.

"...I think most reasonable people, in the United States and abroad, who looked at my postings you were quoting from, and then at your posting, would be apalled at you..."

That's what you think and a perfect example of why I've been wondering about the location your head. Based on much what you've said lately, the credibility of all your statements is dwindeling so far as I'm concerned. What I think is that most Americans would applaud my response to your post, given what you wrote. I do feel a little better, Robert, to know that you were outraged by Tuesday's events and not just "concerned" as you wrote before.

By the way, Robert, are you and American?

lunarchick - 10:19pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9021 of 9027)

If Americans were American .. they wouldn't need to put the flag in the face as much ... when will the 'flag' take a backseat. When it does - then Americans will know who they are, and be American.

lunarchick - 10:23pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9022 of 9027) headlines show America is going crazy!

lunarchick - 10:26pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9023 of 9027)

Rupert Murdocks London SUN puts the crisis in perspective

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