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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 09:15pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9004 of 9027)

GI said:

Far more Saudis support the Taliban than support the Royal Family.

Why would any Saudis support the Royal Family which FLEW away when the war was on .. re-instating themselves later.

Why would any Saudis support the Taliban who believe the women should not be seen, not be heard .. and not BE ? Selfexplantory :)

gisterme 9/13/01 5:44pm The condition of freedom in the world right now is one of "illness"; but, the world's immune system has already begun working to expell the disease. In the long run, love will always overcome hatred, kindness will always overcome malice and that which is good will overcome that which is evil.

[interesting statement ... if the illness is mental illness .. does this relate to immunisation :) ]

gisterme - 09:17pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9005 of 9027)

aaphrodite wrote( aaphrodite 9/13/01 8:52pm ):

"...In Iraq America is seen as the GREAT SATAN

Different countries - individuals have different view points

Seems that the PAGE of the BOOK they've been reading on America is the same page ... not at all .. America presents itself in different ways to different groups of global humanity..."

Hitler and Tojo hated America too...perception has much more to do with the agendas of the perceiver than with how America presents itself.

With regard to pages, aaphrodite, well, pick one. Decide what page your'e on...Or are you one of those folks who just can't make a decision? Just gotta' keep your options open rather than taking a stand? Perhaps you're one who thinks there's no right or wrong?

I'll say this, aaphrodite, if you think that what happened in NYC last Tuesday isn't wrong then you're probably seriously ill and should get help...and you're definately on the wrong page.

lunarchick - 09:19pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9006 of 9027)

There are needs for incementally improving world standards that uphold human rights. And safeguard women.

aaphrodite - 09:21pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9007 of 9027)

I was relating to a world post11th survey .. which is in the media cloud.

On a personal level i'm for LOVE.

I'll say it again.

I'm for LOVE!

logician3 - 09:32pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9008 of 9027)
Bush is an idiot.

"I'm for LOVE"

Me too, sex ain't bad either.

rshowalter - 09:33pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9009 of 9027) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

If the United States wants its allies to wholeheartedly come to it's aid, and to defer to American judgement, it has some cleaning up to do. Nothing could be more practical for military officers responsible for action to think about, right now.

I wonder how many enlisted men (and there are plenty of literate ones) could read
Elder Bush in Big GOP Cast Toiling for Top Equity Firm by LESLIE WAYNE without being ashamed?

" I wonder how many military leaders would want soldiers to read such things prior to having to risk their lives in combat?

MD8659 rshowalter 9/8/01 1:35pm

aaphrodite - 09:34pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9010 of 9027)

So love and sex are weighted on the positive side of the continuum ... with war and hatred on the other.

So why do wars happen.

Whose in it for power, for greed .. or is it opportunism in response to the weak and incompetent ?

rshowalter - 09:37pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9011 of 9027) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

logician3 9/13/01 9:32pm ... sex isn't bad.

I'm for having it go on and on.

In the human sense, that's not certain.

The world could end.

We need to be careful.

aaphrodite - 09:40pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9012 of 9027)

This disaster has affected under 10,000 people - directly - more indirectly.

The earthquake that shook India a while back was said to have killed 100,000.

Bill CLINTON spoke up, visited, placed focus on it.

The reality is that the status of the rural Indian carried little weight - because the Indians who were affected, who died, had few world connections, and little status.

Proportionally the NY trauma is symbolic, but, in recent historical terms - there have been worse traumas that have recieved little attention.

If thousands of missiles had been accidentally fired - or terrorised ....

where would the world be now

where love?

lunarchick - 09:44pm Sep 13, 2001 EST (#9013 of 9027)

The Camera DOES NOT LIE .. i thought this guy never got to NY!

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