New York Times on the Web Forums Science
Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans
for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be
limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI
all over again?
(8911 previous messages)
- 04:49am Sep 13, 2001 EST (#8912
of 8924)
The USA gave the world Statistician Demming father of the quality
movement. Demming tools measure, quantify and evaluate. Prempting
the question ... was history 'good enough?' plus 'can the NOW be
It occurred to me that ElderBush and Bwsh have given the world,
one decade apart, a compulsive viewing week of lounge_room tv
Is this just coincidence or is it derived from factors related to
the Bush Family perspective on the world ?
That Bwsh spent his first months calling nations, including
China, ROGUES, was no doubt the reason why China brought the spy
plane to heel ... and went on to humiliate the USA wrt it's return.
WWII Europe saw use of 'conventional' weapons.
Hiroshima used nuclear weapons .... like the ones currently
set-up daily in the USA and pointed to Europe, Russia .. perhaps
also to China. Such missiles at one time lined the areodromes of the
English East coast.
The above lists dictatorships .. begging the question "How does
one man rise to power and take dominance over a country?" Where are
the checks and balances that should be in place to ensure a
WRT modern day America the question is - 'why is it that
questions that need to be asked and answered are ignoed or blocked?'
Take POSTOL (MIT) .. why is it that his explicit scientific logic
is being derided. Why when he puts forward genuine heartfelt,
brain knowledge, questions they aren't properly regarded? Why is
it that Academics have not got the right of freedom of speech.
Why is it that he is told to shut-up - or research grants to MIT
will be in jepardy .... isn't this exactly the experience of
people within totalitarian systems?
Back to the quality perspective. Arriving at quality relates to
having facts/truths that can be checked.
Armel - can you put forward a bona fida science person who
believes that MD should function on the basis of technical lies ...
that being cost effective?
WRT the ElderBush war with IRAQ .. this didn't end .. perhaps the
WTC factor is part of that ongoing war. The reality for people in
IRAQ is misery .. a generation of children have been born and many
many of them have died .. since the ElderBush war .. the reason
they've died is because they have been denied the basics of life by
The point re both Bush&Bwsh is their failure to engage and
negotiate and pre-empt crisis ... they let situations simmer and
build .. and crisis occurs!
- 04:53am Sep 13, 2001 EST (#8913
of 8924)
Book for Armel: Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono
- 06:17am Sep 13, 2001 EST (#8914
of 8924)
ON: Good Neighbours - and being greatful: gisterme
9/12/01 8:13pm
Thinking about this one is reminded of the fact that America was
built on 'imported' peoples.
People have value.
Take one imported person ... work out their earnings through
their American life.
Take the figure. Compound it over the centuries.
This is the value of the person to their home country.
Do this for every migrant.
Then think .... perhaps America owes something to the world.
WRT the engine of the US economy ... keep it in mind that the
capital funds that drive it come into America from the world.
Now re-read the article :)
- 06:23am Sep 13, 2001 EST (#8915
of 8924)
Gisterme .. thanks for your edifying comment on the value of my
posts back there awhile -- you're under pressure.
One post - relating to the speech at the Canberra Press Club was
about racism and crime.
I note that people in the US who have muslim backgrounds ARE
being targeted by the civilian hoards.
The post was about the need for LEADERS to say that CRIME is
common to all. That people of specific cultural ethinic origins -
who are "AMERICANS" .. ought not to be targeted. Has a leader said
that ? There may have been a common sense statement from someone ...
but ... has it been heard.
The Newscorp headlines are jingistic and looking for blood ....
that's how Rupert sells papers!
- 06:24am Sep 13, 2001 EST (#8916
of 8924)
On the victims ... these guys who worked in the WTC were people
from all over the world. Australia has 90 people missing! The strike
wasn't just against America .. it was against world-wide workers.
- 06:40am Sep 13, 2001 EST (#8917
of 8924) Bush is an idiot.
This incident proves that Bush's NMD is a grossly bad idea. I
hope that the repubs don't use hate rhetoric to get that monstrosity
funded in legislation.
- 07:08am Sep 13, 2001 EST (#8918
of 8924)
Remember the Guns of Singapore ... they faced out to sea
.. when the real danger came from on land.
The Yugoslaves in the workplace here initally cheered the terror
... reality again will be that the WTC will have seen the death of
many from that region.
In the Global era workplaces contain people from all nations.
The bombing of a workplace equates with the bombing of the world.
That's why it's important that America does ask questions about
the BushBwsh leadership and support core .. and look back to the
Iraq war ... and start to consider!
- 07:14am Sep 13, 2001 EST (#8919
of 8924)
"Science News Poetry" 9/13/01 3:04am
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Missile Defense