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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 09:08am Sep 12, 2001 EST (#8827 of 8869) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

It seems to me, still today, where so much of human concern, and human hatred is on view, that the concerns in Mankind's Inhumanity to Man and Woman - As natural as human goodness? 1-3 , make sense.

We need to be able to think about our enemies as people -- either to defeat them, or to make the people who support them less likely to remain active enemies. To do this, we have to be able to understand how they think -- and how they feel.

The terrorists who did so much damage yesterday did something that was, to them, a beautiful thing.

. Detail, and the Golden Rule 16-19

By my standards, and I believe the standards of most people in the world, what they did was wrenchingly ugly . But it is worth seeing that on the basis of their assumptions, and their beliefs , what they did was heroic, and beautiful -- something they willingly gave their lives for.

We need to find ways to adress, and change, the bases of those assumptions. Which may require that we understand, communicate, and perhaps modify some of our own.

There are plenty of things about our society, and its connection to other societies, that need to be thought through more carefully. Almarst , Dawn Riley, and I have been involved in extensive discussions of these, involving both journalism and the performance of intelligence agencies. MD8754 rshowalter 9/11/01 8:30am

wrcooper - 10:20am Sep 12, 2001 EST (#8828 of 8869)

Yesterday's attacks point up the wrongheadedness of Bush's NMD plan. Terrorist groups or rogue nations won't use nuclear-tipped ICBMs to strike at the U.S. They'll use what one commentator called "low-tech, high concept" weapons, such as commandeered commercial airliners loaded with jet fuel to kill Americans. If they obtain nukes, they'll carry them on their backs and land on our shores in the dead of night on a remote beach; they won't launchan easily trackable missile from their homeland, inviting retaliation. These horrifying events show the madness and futility of bush's plan.

rshowalter - 11:51am Sep 12, 2001 EST (#8829 of 8869) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

I made some references to this Missile Defense forum on some Guardian Talk threads, including this one in Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror

logician3 - 12:03pm Sep 12, 2001 EST (#8830 of 8869)
Bush is an idiot.

wrcooper 9/12/01 10:20am

Quite true, only a large country with a significant nuclear presence could hope to have any success in a traditional nuclear strike scenario - "rogue" states just don't have the wherewithall to pull something like that off.

Nontraditional modes of delivery, however, could be tried by a rogue state.

fructidor_18 - 12:03pm Sep 12, 2001 EST (#8831 of 8869)
``The cause of the Arab people… has never been worse served than by terrorism against civilians, now practiced systematically by Arab movements. Terrorism delays, perhaps irremediably, the solution of justice that will eventually come''. –Albert Camus, circa 1950s





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    gisterme - 01:48pm Sep 12, 2001 EST (#8832 of 8869)

    logician3 wrote (WRT the possibility of a terrorist nuclear missile attack, logician3 9/12/01 12:03pm ): Quite true, only a large country with a significant nuclear presence could hope to have any success in a traditional nuclear strike scenario - "rogue" states just don't have the wherewithall to pull something like that off.

    Those sound like famous last words, logician3. Before yesterday, few thought a horror like the one we witnessed was possible either. That attack scenario is now used-up. It's obvious that these folks are attacking as much for symbolic impact as to do real damage...and few things evoke greater symobolic visions of grandure than nuclear missiles. They were the Cold War phallic symbols of the superpowers. What these animals don't seem to comprehend is that, like Pearl Harbor, the WTC murders will be the symbol that focuses the entire western world against their cause and leads to their ultimate destruction.

    No amount of negotiating or "understanding", as Robert puts it, would have prevented yesterday's tragedy. These mass-murderers are no more interested in those things than Hitler was. They want to kill Jews just like Hitler did. Same spirit. They hate the US because it has prevented them from doing that. It's as simple as that. They are not rational...and in an irrational enviornment, conventional wisdom does not apply.

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