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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 08:36am Sep 11, 2001 EST (#8755 of 8769) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Cspan had some fascinating programs last night. A wonderful speech by Senator Biden, largely on missile defense, and a really interesting meeting at DOD, giving a good sense of the level of flexibility, and the level of logic, in the US military. Rumsfeld said some really sensible things. At the same time, I wondered about "the triumph of technique over purpose."

If the purpose of DOD is "war fighting" then they are committed to more war . . . without end, without much logic, and without mercy.

Which has been almarst's central concern.

logician3 - 08:51am Sep 11, 2001 EST (#8756 of 8769)
Bush is an idiot.

"A wonderful speech by Senator Biden"

Biden does seem to know the subject quite well, Bush is plainly running some kind of Reagan agenda in regards to the military, he needs to concentrate more on 21st century needs.

lunarchick - 09:04am Sep 11, 2001 EST (#8757 of 8769)


RupertMURDOCK dined with Howard in NY, Howard trying to impress prints' kingmaker as he makes election moves. Trust these guys weren't dining in a of the Twin_Tower of the World_Trade_Building.

Mudrock .. should that be Murdock? .. has recently secured a deal in China whereby he gets airtime ... and in return ChinaState gets a tv channel in the USA.

Murdock - Chinese Wife + soon to be child - will this guy be for ENDING the COLD WAR ... ? It is said that he both does and doesn't influence the editorial content of his papers/media .. is there any evidence here regarding his MD stance?

One wonders where Murdock stands in relation to Missile Defence and ending the cold war .. if he's taken the time to think about it.

lunarchick - 09:10am Sep 11, 2001 EST (#8758 of 8769)

rshowalter - 09:15am Sep 11, 2001 EST (#8759 of 8769) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

I hear Murdock is "pretty conservative."

Well right answers are conservative.

If the Cold War ended, Murdock , and most other business people, would make more money.

And have more interesting things to report on. With more openness, the value of journalistic product would go up.

And the status of journalists would go up, as well.

lunarchick - 09:18am Sep 11, 2001 EST (#8760 of 8769)

lunarchick - 09:44am Sep 11, 2001 EST (#8761 of 8769)

Refugees are regarded as 'valueless', not so:

He's one of the great players of the sitar, by any standards a true virtuoso. A sublimely lyrical player who draws on Afghani folk music as well as on the Hindustani classical tradition, he's KHALIL GUDAZ.

    Since moving to Australia, KHALIL GUDAZ has released two CDs. We'll explore them both, by day & night, with particular emphasis on the newer one. "SOUVENIR" is a lovely duo recording with tabla player USTAD ARIF. Khalil Gudaz can almost literally make his instrument sing. He deserves to be very much better known
Wow! Listening to his music one can appreciate the acclaim!

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