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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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cbpgag6 - 10:38am Aug 22, 2001 EST (#8005 of 8012)

Don't you bozo's get it? The Russians are not the threat, it is the Irans, the Iraqs, the North Koreans, stupid. To hell with a 30 year old treaty that should never have been agreed to anyway. A treaty that limits one's right to defend one's self is and was stupid to begin with. Our Allies, bull, they wrote the book on being self-serving and selfish. But, despite it all, we'll be there to protect them against themselves again. Besides, do you idiots really care what Europe thinks? Why? Here is a continent of people that started 2 world wars, still practice ethnic cleansing, and believed in the Master Race. At our worse, we hold no candle to them.

rshowalter - 10:44am Aug 22, 2001 EST (#8006 of 8012) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Partly is was desperate fear of the nuclear threats from the United States. Fear so great, in important circles, that it caused people to take desperate risks, and impose great costs.

A crucial fact, not technical, but very important, that Americans need to understand, and deal with, is that the US worked hard, and very effectively, to MAXIMIZE the fear of nuclear destruction in Russia, and MINIMIZE it in the United States.

Russians need a great deal of reassurance , and the United States needs to understand how dangerous the situation IS - - and will remain -- until the US and Russia (with other countries, too) cooperate enough to control, reduce, and even eliminate nuclear terror.

Threatening Russia, given the past, is NOT the thing to do, either practically, or in terms of reasonable human feelings.

The Cold War, including the psychological warfare of the Cold War, should be over, and healable wounds should be healed.

That will take some effort.

And reassurance has a technical component -- something important to get both sides "to their senses" about what there is to fear, to hope, and to reasonably do.

rshowalter - 10:47am Aug 22, 2001 EST (#8007 of 8012) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

cbpgag6 8/22/01 10:38am I hope many Europeans, and Asians, too, read what you say, and what people like you say - - and take reasonable steps to defend THEIR own interests -- something that stability and peace requires.

Postings like yours are worth a great deal -- in informing Russians, and Europeans, about how reasonably they can trust the United States, without checking it.

lunarchick - 10:49am Aug 22, 2001 EST (#8008 of 8012)

Computer rote learning facts :
Will Ari ever ask the right questions?

bilbobaggins0 - 10:49am Aug 22, 2001 EST (#8009 of 8012)
Bush is NOT my president.

cbpgag6 8/22/01 10:38am

Unilateral withdrawal from a treaty is always a dangerous business, as long-term trust is lost as a result - and further treaties may be impossible to negotiate.

rshowalter - 10:56am Aug 22, 2001 EST (#8010 of 8012) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

MD5363 almarst-2001 6/18/01 1:07pm

Consider the golden rule - - even with potential enemies.

Russia and the US both have problems, internally and with each other.

lunarchick - 11:12am Aug 22, 2001 EST (#8011 of 8012)

Turs 1.30 am ... nite!

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