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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 03:44pm Aug 21, 2001 EST (#7953 of 7969) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Working on detailed points in MD7936-38 rshowalter 8/20/01 9:08pm

Taking some time doing it, being careful. Getting some feedback giving hope that it might be possible to have these checking patterns happen -- and I'm responding carefully, hoping to have the good fortune to convert possibilities to realities. It would be good to establish some "islands of technical truth" that practically everybody would have to agree on, whatever their political feelings might be.

With the search key gone, some things are slower.

Working to hook things to the excellent and conservatively stated editorial points in Miscommunication in Moscow and also to the detailed arguments about lasar weapons, and control issues, already discussed at length with gisterme , an interesting character.

lunarchick - 03:44pm Aug 21, 2001 EST (#7954 of 7969)

Subsidies distort planning

lunarchick - 03:49pm Aug 21, 2001 EST (#7955 of 7969)

From: Miscommunication in Moscow

The Bush administration should be working to promote further offensive reductions, instead of threatening to withdraw from the ABM treaty and risk initiating a new nuclear arms race. Washington and Moscow are no longer military foes. But the risks of plutonium theft or accidental launch through a breakdown of Russia's crumbling command and control networks are a real and continuing threat to American security. Washington needs to make a more serious effort to negotiate a deal with Moscow that links the future construction of missile defenses with immediate reductions in offensive missiles.

Another instance of the USA's arrogance over-riding common sense and practicality.

lunarchick - 04:34pm Aug 21, 2001 EST (#7956 of 7969)

rshowalter - 05:03pm Aug 21, 2001 EST (#7957 of 7969) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Another sad story about American priorities.

US warned about Rwanda genocide

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