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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 02:48pm Aug 8, 2001 EST (#7786 of 7807) Delete Message
Robert Showalter


The Nuclear August of 1945 By NIKOLAY PALCHIKOFF I was one of the first American soldiers to visit Hiroshima after its destruction by the atomic bomb 56 years ago today

The Top-Drawer in the Cabinet By ROBERT MANN Will the United States pursue an inclusive, consultative foreign policy — the Powell strategy — or will it act, as it has thus far, more or less unilaterally — the Rumsfeld strategy

The Next Battlefield May Be in Outer Space By JACK HITT Space-based warfare used to seem pure fantasy. Now, to the delight of war planners, and to the dismay of many civilians, it's closer to reality than you'd think

Forget About 'Leaning Over Backward.' By WILLIAM SAFIRE

North Korean Leader Vows to Curb Missile Program By MICHAEL WINES At a summit meeting in Moscow, North Korean President Kim Jong Il promised to suspend missile launches, a declaration aimed squarely at American plans for a missile defense

After First 6 Months, Bush Is to Change Focus By FRANK BRUNI President Bush is planning to move beyond the conventional Republican agenda and devote attention to issues like education and immigration, administration officials say

Allies in America's National Interest By JEFFREY GEDMIN and GARY SCHMITT If America defines its interests too narrowly, it cedes its claim to moral leadership

At 6 Months, Bush Says, He's Doing Pretty Well By FRANK BRUNI President Bush gave his administration high marks for making "significant progress" in his first six months in office

Rumsfeld Says Iraq Has Improved Its Air Defenses By THOM SHANKER Iraq has rebuilt and improved its air defenses since American and British planes flew strikes against command centers in February

Bush Has a Winning Streak, at Least in House By ALISON MITCHELL President Bush's back-to-back successes changed the mood in Washington, giving Republicans a set of issues to carry to the public over the August recess

rshowalter - 02:48pm Aug 8, 2001 EST (#7787 of 7807) Delete Message
Robert Showalter


Gephardt Launches an Attack on Bush's Foreign Policy By THOM SHANKER Representative Richard A. Gephardt accused the Bush administration Thursday of pursuing a unilateralist approach to world affairs that risks undermining relations with Europe

House Panel Forbids Closing of Firing Range on Vieques By JAMES DAO The House Armed Services Committee approved a measure that would prohibit the Navy from closing its firing range on the island of Vieques until it found an equal or better replacement

In Which We Learn How to Hide a Head of State By MICHAEL WINES During his historic visit to Russia, Kim Jong Il, the leader of North Korea, has made it clear that he is a different kind of politician

America's New Take on the World To the Editor

A Nuclear Nightmare To the Editor

Painting Pyongyang Into a Corner By SELIG S. HARRISON From a North Korean perspective, the Bush administration is pursuing confrontational policies that seem calculated to make détente impossible

Pentagon Predicts Clash Over ABM Is Coming in 2002 By JAMES DAO A Pentagon agency has determined that aspects of the administration's plans to test missile defenses next year would probably clash with the Antiballistic Missile Treaty of 1972

G.O.P. Tries to Counter Lack of Support Among Women By FRANK BRUNI Republicans are focusing anew on the party's disadvantage among women in the electorate

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