New York Times on the Web Forums Science
Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans
for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be
limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI
all over again?
   (7562 previous messages)
- 06:19am Jul 29, 2001 EST (#7563
of 7573)
Thread NO says USA to Treaties!
- 07:13am Jul 29, 2001 EST (#7564
of 7573)
The White House says it is firmly opposed to all
Chinese transfers of technology relating to missiles and weapons
of mass destruction to other countries.
However, Mr Powell said military-to-military
contacts with Beijing would restart soon.
He is the most senior member of the present Bush
administration to visit China. President Bush plans to visit
Beijing in October.
- 07:25am Jul 29, 2001 EST (#7565
of 7573)
The Kurdish people, numbering around 20 million,
live as a distinct ethnic group divided mainly between Turkey,
Iran and Iraq, but we've never seen their lives dramatised on the
screen — until now. The first feature film to be made in the
Kurdish language won major prizes around the world last year.
It's called A Time for Drunken
Horses and it begins
- 08:25am Jul 29, 2001 EST (#7566
of 7573)
The musician who could save the world from global warming
--What about the US government?
Some senators already support it. It is the only practical
proposal that does what they've asked for, namely simultaneous
emissions controls on all countries. It promotes economic efficiency
through emissions trading and enables progressive American firms to
get involved and make money. That's certainly what I would tell
George W. Bush.
--That makes you sound like an arch-capitalist, rather than the
communist you have sometimes been labelled. How come the Chinese
like it?
False dichotomy. The Chinese came on board, at least tentatively,
when they realised I was talking about distributing emissions
rights. They liked the idea of equal rights rather than equal
restrictions. But this is high politics. The US Energy Department
got very interested when I said I was going to Beijing. They said:
"You'd better watch your back because you're gonna be watched." I
got quite nervous. I'm not a diplomat, I'm just a musician. But the
idea is not leftist, or even rightist. The morality you can take or
leave, but the logic is inescapable.
--But don't developing countries have the right to tell the rich
countries that they created the problem and should solve it?
So far, most developing countries have indeed united around that
message. That may be morally valid, but it is a disastrous strategy
for them as well as for the rich world. The carrot for them in
adopting contraction and convergence, apart from saving the climate,
is that in return for controlling emissions they could get paid to
convert their economies to run without fossil fuels.
--So your formula meets the needs of both the US and the
developing world?
Yes. It's a framework for the retreat from our dependency on
fossil fuels. The way I see it, the world starts a race to get out
of carbon rather than a race to get into it.
Contraction & Convergence Aubrey Meyer
Green Books
- 08:30am Jul 29, 2001 EST (#7567
of 7573)
Interesting Swim Meet in Japan this past week. The 1500meters was
shown tonight - of interest because both the world record holder and
tonight's swimmer
are local. The young gun took 7 seconds off the time for nwr and
gold, UK second and Russia third. One of the toughest races.
Australia took thirteen gold medals - USA nine gold ... Oz under
20million - USA 250million. Australians would have it no other way
Australian Foreign Minister talking defence (don't
waste your time)
- 08:50am Jul 29, 2001 EST (#7568
of 7573)
are always interesting. St Petersburg Museum must be the place
to go! Watch the Qin, dynasty tomb with all those pottery
soldiers, documentary. Qin was a vile guy - very cruel. When he died
the locals raided the pottery soldiers - taking their spears -
fought and took down that empire. Interesting that the clouded peak
of a mountain was supposed to be 'close to heaven' .. Qin had
advanced metals .. with everlasting materials and properties .. in
that era they drank metals ... mercury, bronze, gold etc .. so that
the metal replaced their cells to make them everlasting - immortal.
Well that was the theory!
- 08:57am Jul 29, 2001 EST (#7569
of 7573)
US Secretary of State Colin Powell has left Beijing and is
due to arrive in Australia He will attend the one-day
Australia-United States Ministerial consultations on defence and
security, known as AUSMIN, along with US Secretary of State Donald
Rumsfeld who arrived earlier this morning.
The occasion marks 50 years of the ANZUS alliance .
following messages)
New York Times on the Web Forums Science
Missile Defense