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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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almarst-2001 - 11:33pm Jul 27, 2001 EST (#7533 of 7543)

RUSSIAN TRAWLER DETAINED BY AMERICANS IN BERING SEA One more Russian vessel has been detained by US military ships. Though for the first time the detention has happened literally by home bank. On July 25 the Russian fish trawler was detained in Bering sea by US coast guard. More detail... -

almarst-2001 - 11:35pm Jul 27, 2001 EST (#7534 of 7543)

TIMOTHY BANCROFT-HINCHEY: US ADMITS MASSIVE INCREASE IN DEFENCE BUDGET In a Pentagon briefing, US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld clarified the USA’s position on Europe, the relationship with Russia, the NMD and the state of the US Armed Forces, while he admits that massive increases in the Defence budget have been made. More detail... -

almarst-2001 - 11:37pm Jul 27, 2001 EST (#7535 of 7543)

ANDREI KRUSHINSKY: JIANG ZEMIN’S VIEWS. DIRECT SPEECH. PROBLEMS “To feed 1,2 billion people…” “China is a developing country with over 1,2-billion population, where feeding problems are a great, primary task. Feeding 1,2 billion people is possible only resting upon ourselves, we cannot rest upon anyone else. Superficial speeches that all the agriculture problems are behind us are completely impossible. Developing our economy is the most complicated task for a long period. More detail... -

almarst-2001 - 11:39pm Jul 27, 2001 EST (#7536 of 7543)

NEBOJSA MALIC: RAMBOUILLET REPEATED? In February of 1999, after the staged "massacre" of 45 KLA bandits at Racak, Madeleine Albright summoned the Yugoslav leadership to a castle in Rambouillet, France, where they were to sign a NATO ultimatum providing for their unconditional surrender. More detail... -

rshowalter - 09:52am Jul 28, 2001 EST (#7537 of 7543) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Almarst, those are great references, and I'll be commenting.

Made a point on the Guardian that connects to some things here

rshowalter - 09:59am Jul 28, 2001 EST (#7538 of 7543) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Good diplomatic news:

Powell Says China Differences Narrowed by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

and related diplomatic-business news:

China Feud Has New Risks for Taiwan by MARK LANDLER

Perhaps we'll have a really effective defense against nuclear terror, and some other ugliness, sooner than even most optimists hope. ---- At least there are glimmers that seem consistent with that, though, of course, things usually go wrong.

rshowalter - 10:18am Jul 28, 2001 EST (#7539 of 7543) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

If Powell, Bush, and some other influentials made some phone calls, and got business people to really start "putting the moves" on Taiwan and China to sort out their problems the Taiwan-China mess might resolve well, and everybody involved might become measurably more civilized, and somewhat richer.

Especially if some other leaders, from the EU, from Russia, and from other countries did the same, coordinating business connections.

Reconciliation would require, among other things, the reconciling of some contradictions in the "Chinese" and "Taiwanese-Chinese" narratives about the past. That ought to be possible.

100 hours of work by a few of the right people could do a lot to get things moving. The power of Dell computer in the situation described in Landler's article says a lot about where the leverage in these circumstances actually is.

rshowalter - 01:32pm Jul 28, 2001 EST (#7540 of 7543) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Talks are proceeding, and lines of communication getting straighter. Unity of nations is increasing, reasons to fight getting less.

But the US is finding missile defense and the militarization of space a hard sale, all through the Eurasian supercontinent, and in North America, as well.

Chinese Unswayed as Powell Pushes U.S. Missile Shield by JANE PERLEZ

Russia, N. Korea to Sign Statement by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

S. Koreans Protest US Missle Defense by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

US, Canada Swap Barbs Over Spending by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

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