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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 11:15am Jul 27, 2001 EST (#7499 of 7502) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

It seems to me that, in some essential ways, we're going through a paradigm shift in international relations.

A key issue is fact checking - which ought to be morally forcing, so we can get some key things straight.

MD6103 rshowalter 6/25/01 4:05pm is posting #307 of Paradigm Shift .... whose getting there? a Guardian TALK thread that I'm very proud of, that is well connected to reasons for "morally forcing" checking.

A person with academic, especially dean duty experience (Rice, for example) might find the following passage especially interesting.

" If "civility" means "deference to established intellectual property rights, and territorial divisions" then "civility" is the death knell of certain essential kinds of progress. Checking can be deferred, and discussion can be deferred indefinitely, especially according to the standard academic and diplomatic patterns described by John Kay in

When it is important enough, there needs to be mechanisms to get questions of fact and logic in science (or military matters) CHECKED. When the stakes are high enough, that checking needs to be morally forcing.

The idea that checking should be morally forcing seems new, and is a distinctly minority position. But for want of that ethical stance, some really terrible choices have been made in the past, and will be made in the future.

  • ***

    Here are some references, to the Riley-Showalter "paradigm thread, that I think describe, in a new and clearer way, how paradigm conflict works.




    Here are more links to the Riley-Showalter "paradigm" thread" -- of lower priority, but perhaps useful:







    and something for academic folk: 295-297:

    lunarchick - 11:25am Jul 27, 2001 EST (#7500 of 7502)

    It's been an interesting week Showalter .. the board buddies may have had time to read, but, not to post :)

    Wonder if Condi got to ride in the Zill ;)


      The flower's symbolic significance stems from Mugunghwa's root word, "Mugung," meaning immortality. This word accurately reflects the perseverance and determination of the Korean people that has been demonstrated throughout their long history. Mugunghwa also means "endless" and thus represents the permanence of the Korean nation

    lunarchick - 11:33am Jul 27, 2001 EST (#7501 of 7502)

    WTO China

    rshowalter - 11:35am Jul 27, 2001 EST (#7502 of 7502) Delete Message
    Robert Showalter

    A lot has happened on missile defense. And if you look at the situation, it does look like things that could be consistent with a safer, better, and more honest world are coming into place.

    China, like other nations, often knows what the right thing would be, even when it evades it.

    " Daring to Shoulder Historical Responsibility: Way to Become Big Political Power"

    " WHEN LIES KILL: In China, the Right to Truth Meets Life and Death by ERIK ECKHOLM

    On human rights, and on the suppression of ideas, directly and indirectly, China knows better than it does,

    On military matters, Americans, very often, know what the right things to do would be.

    Telling the truth is often helpful, and it would be helpful here.

    If some key facts could be established - we'd be a long way along toward a safer world. And some progress in that direction is being made.

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