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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 08:04am Jul 25, 2001 EST (#7404 of 7411) Delete Message
Robert Showalter


lunarchick - 08:10am Jul 25, 2001 EST (#7405 of 7411)

Showalter - NO: wrongly attributed :

Here's a work of art, by Dawn. ... MD691-692 edevershed 2/16/01 1:26am

lunarchick - 08:14am Jul 25, 2001 EST (#7406 of 7411)

WRT public v politicians (UK)

rshowalter - 08:15am Jul 25, 2001 EST (#7407 of 7411) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Still a work of art. ... MD691-692 edevershed 2/16/01 1:26am

rshowalter - 08:16am Jul 25, 2001 EST (#7408 of 7411) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Re Koko

MD6559 lunarchick 7/4/01 8:27pm . . MD6561 rshowalter 7/4/01 8:35pm
MD6562 lunarchick 7/4/01 8:37pm . . . MD6564 rshowalter 7/4/01 8:39pm
MD6566 rshowalter 7/4/01 8:44pm . . . MD6569 rshowalter 7/4/01 8:50pm

Stanley Milgrams experiment ought to be required reading for all trying to form judgements about the probable "rationality" of our current nuclear arrangements.

Key references gathered by Dawn Riley: .. MD695-697 rshowalter 2/17/01 5:41am

lunarchick - 08:25am Jul 25, 2001 EST (#7409 of 7411)

Showalter, be sure to check out PBS *MD* link lunarchick 7/25/01 6:12am

rshowalter - 08:28am Jul 25, 2001 EST (#7410 of 7411) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Will do it now -- but I'll post this first.

rshowalter - 08:29am Jul 25, 2001 EST (#7411 of 7411) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

MD6559 lunarchick 7/4/01 8:50pm MD6570-79 rshowalter 7/4/01 8:54pm

I wonder if there's a single engineer, with a PE ticket to lose, who'd be willing to take me on about guidance -- especially with some other engineers, who I could round up on very short notice, checking work.

The "missile sheild" has no clothes.

As I said in postings you can find searching "shuck" -- the Bush administrations' missile defense proposals are, in H.L. Menken's phrase . . . " as devoid of merit as a herringfish is of fur. "

Koko doesn't look as if she'd want to go around 'hitting out' at everything in sight .. she's more the cognitional striker as per Rodin

I bet Koko knows that plenty of things are impossible, or not worth doing. . . . Does gisterme ?

It's like 'brains' are actually an inbuilt MD system ... perhaps folks should dust 'em down and exercise out using their own cognitive gym ... then with a vocab of 1000 words even, as per Koko, the use of missiles just wouldn't add up - not even in monkey logic :)

A big thing is that monkeys have enough sense to want to see things. People, being more "advanced" -- accept really far-fetched stories, that may "sound good" -- without any evidence at all.

And sometimes, all it takes to get by with an outrage, is to conceal the most basic visual information. Bob Kerrey made that point in ARMED TO EXCESS

Kerrey says: .. " The risk of a nuclear attack still poses the greatest single threat to our survival." . ... partly because the military won't even let people in Congress see the most basic evidence. . . If they saw it, they'd see, even a monkey could see, that we'd gotten ourselves into a grossly disproportionate, ugly mess.

I wonder what would happen if Senators and Congressman asked to see evidence of what the "Star Wars" program, after more than sixty billion dollars actually had and could actually do ?

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