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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 10:24pm Jul 24, 2001 EST (#7395 of 7411)

Curiosity is the stimuli that instigates adventures into the 'outer spaces' of knowledge. The development of new knowledge. Here there is a need to check and then accept the new into the culture in order to further creative possibily. Many new possibilities that will assist society, aided by new knowledge, require R&D capital funding.

    "Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that won't work." - Thomas A. Edison
Reflect here how R&D funding is available, available, available .. for MD brainstorm projects, that basically provide a 'churn' of funds from which commissions can be grabbed. Yet R&D funding for projects that can and will solve matters relating to the viability of the world is hard to come by.

    "Sometimes a laugh is the only weapon we have." - Roger Rabbit
Two inventive guys (within 10km of me) via private funding in neighbouring suburbs had just such an experience, the firing mechanism for a killing machine was easily funded ... whereas the worldly-useful 'all-the-time any quantity/place' green energy product worked harder, is still working for, R&D capital.

lunarchick - 10:53pm Jul 24, 2001 EST (#7396 of 7411)

Here's the very quote i didn't have the other day ..

I found the following quotes to be of interest too ....
    Everywhere I go I find that a poet has been there before me. -Sigmund Freud
    What I do today is important because I am paying a day of my life for it.
    What I accomplish must be worthwhile because the price is high.
    If I could drop dead right now, I'd be the happiest man alive. -Samuel Goldwyn
Yet lots of people, especially creative engineers, still have unfinished, important work to complete that does have a value to humankind.

The problem with 'ideas' is it's hard to fix an accounting value. And, things that don't have a fixed value - may be disregarded.

Interestingly 'films' combine Arts and Science, the creative being portrayed via the medium of images in light.

lunarchick - 10:59pm Jul 24, 2001 EST (#7397 of 7411)

How to get the world to move forward - when ...

    face a growing mountain of foreign debt, which is now roughly equal to the country's gross domestic product
If third world countries lack capital for investment in infrastructure the it is hard for them to modernise and move forward.

lunarchick - 11:06pm Jul 24, 2001 EST (#7398 of 7411)



lunarchick - 11:08pm Jul 24, 2001 EST (#7399 of 7411)

Were the Los Alamo MD engineers to face 'reality' rather than stare outwards to space ... and use their funding and talent to fix 'real' problems, then a raise in world standards could occur.

The advantage to the USA would be a new trading partner with demands for evermore sophistcated product. Logic suggests a way to limit downturns in demand is to enable the currently 'poor' to move forward.

lunarchick - 06:12am Jul 25, 2001 EST (#7400 of 7411)

GU-links: GlobalW,BushW + Chechnya.

Pbs News Hour ..*Missile Defence* ..Energy .. it's so much nicer

    ' When a person becomes a politician or bureaucrat, he's still motivated by self-interest, he's simply in a different market with different restraints.' Rational Ignorance / Walter E. Williams / Commentary / July 25, 2001

lunarchick - 07:25am Jul 25, 2001 EST (#7401 of 7411)

lunarchick - 07:34am Jul 25, 2001 EST (#7402 of 7411)

This guy had the capacity to launch a missile ?

    Chippy, an 11-year-old male, had stolen a mobile phone from keeper Gary Gilmour's pocket and hidden it in his straw bedding.
    Copying the way human visitors to his enclosure used their phones, Chippy managed to call various numbers stored in its memory and caused havoc with the redial button.
    Mr Gilmour said: "He must have loved pressing all those buttons which light up and make a noise, especially when it was dark and everyone had left the park for the day." (sky)

rshowalter - 08:00am Jul 25, 2001 EST (#7403 of 7411) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Sure could, and at the level where buttons get pushed, we are human beings who are, whether you're religious or not "a little lower than the angels."

We've got too much in common with a chimp or gorilla to take the power to destroy the world unto ourselves, as we have done.

Here's a work of art, by Dawn. ... MD691-692 edevershed 2/16/01 1:26am

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