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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rayboy1 - 09:51am Jul 19, 2001 EST (#7207 of 7227)

Looks like the Military is drooling for more tax money to spend.Sounds to me like "chicken little, the sky is falling" syndrome. What is Mr.Bushes expertise,let alone his so called National Security Advisor. When did anyone in the Govt. ask me if I wanted such a fool thing to do?

lunarchick - 09:57am Jul 19, 2001 EST (#7208 of 7227)

? OSCE The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe is the primary instrument for early warning, conflict prevention, crisis management, and ...

lunarchick - 10:17am Jul 19, 2001 EST (#7209 of 7227)

Roast Chicken Milwaukee!

Bwsh - Defence Spending

lunarchick - 10:19am Jul 19, 2001 EST (#7210 of 7227)

MOI? Chicken Little the hen thought the sky would fall fall fall!

jimmyz211a - 10:27am Jul 19, 2001 EST (#7211 of 7227)

Why should Russia worry about the United States being a threat toward it? Thay have nothing we want, and are flat broke. I don't understand why an antiballistic missile system of ours would be a threat toward them? If we wanted to, during the many times, just in this past decade Russia was in a bad mess, and if we really wanted to do them any harm, it would have been easy to carry out. But who would want to risk any kind of nuclear war? The 1972 antiballistic missile treaty was put in place so the arms race would not escalate into yet another area. The 1972 accord is now outdated and is useless. We have rouge countries right now developing nuclear missiles that will one day be operational, and be able to destroy one or more of our major cities. If Russia doesn't like it that the United States wants to be able to defend itself. Then that's too damn bad.

James Ziolkowsk Buffalo, NY ten year Navy veteran

lunarchick - 10:37am Jul 19, 2001 EST (#7212 of 7227)

Vacuums can be threateningly unstable. Countries have assets that don't show up in accounting systems. People are expensive to rear, educate, and develop ... yet they don't have a price. Folks can also do individually anti-social things if they are rejected. Even if Russia is/were flat broke, it's still a power! Take care the sky is falling ... Nite

lunarchick - 10:50am Jul 19, 2001 EST (#7213 of 7227)


rshowalter - 10:59am Jul 19, 2001 EST (#7214 of 7227) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Bush enjoys cocktails with the Queen,7369,524217,00.html ... has wonderful links:

. Related special reports Globalisation ....Global warming

. Related articles Bush flies in to face critics .... Bush plans to test space-based laser weapons .... Bush will not budge on Kyoto .... Blair's testing choice

. Interactive guides By George! Bush's world impact . . . How does missile defence work?

. Net notes George Bush in links

lunarchick - 11:01am Jul 19, 2001 EST (#7215 of 7227)

Globalisation :

jmacanufo - 11:29am Jul 19, 2001 EST (#7216 of 7227)

The math: it will always be cheaper and easier to build more missles than it is to build a defense against them. Missle defense doesn't work on a very basic logical level, regardless of the technology. The 1972 treaty was a wise acknoledgement of this by both countries (and perhaps the best thing Nixon and Kissinger ever did.) How soon we forget! This reckless administration needs to sober up.

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