New York Times on the Web Forums Science
Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans
for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be
limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI
all over again?
(6614 previous messages)
- 11:58pm Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6615
of 6623)
are for climbing.
- 11:59pm Jul 4, 2001 EST (#6616
of 6623)
Even July 4 comes to a close :)
- 12:03am Jul 5, 2001 EST (#6617
of 6623) Robert Showalter
I'm turning in. God Bless America.
- 12:06am Jul 5, 2001 EST (#6618
of 6623)
Attention Patriots !! Your flag has 365 days to grow
full size! :)
- 12:11am Jul 5, 2001 EST (#6619
of 6623) Robert Showalter
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Written by William G. Huitt
"Maslow posited a hierarchy of human needs based on two
groupings: deficiency needs and growth needs. Within the deficiency
needs, each lower need must be met before moving to the next higher
level. Once each of these needs has been satisfied, if at some
future time a deficiency is detected, the individual will act to
remove the deficiency. The first four levels are:
1) Physiological: hunger, thirst, bodily
comforts, etc.;
2) Safety/security: out of danger;
3) Belonginess and Love: affiliate with others,
be accepted; and
4) Esteem: to achieve, be competent, gain
approval and recognition.
"According to Maslow, an individual is ready to act upon the
growth needs if and only if the deficiency needs are met. Maslow's
initial conceptualization included only one growth
need--self-actualization. Self-actualized people are characterized
by: 1) being problem-focused; 2) incorporating an ongoing freshness
of appreciation of life; 3) a concern about personal growth; and 4)
the ability to have peak experiences.
" Maslow later differentiated the growth need of
self-actualization, specifically naming two lower-level growth needs
prior to general level of self-actualization (Maslow & Lowery,
1998) and one beyond that level (Maslow, 1971). They are:
5) Cognitive: to know, to understand, and
6) Aesthetic: symmetry, order, and beauty;
7) Self-actualization: to find self-fulfillment
and realize one's potential; and
8) Transcendence: to help others find
self-fulfillment and realize their potential.
" Maslow's basic position is that as one becomes more
self-actualized and transcendent, one becomes more wise (develops
wisdom) and automatically knows what to do in a wide variety of
The Golden Rule helps at all these levels, helps with all
these needs, in the world people actually live in, if we deal with
the complexities that the real world has.
LIES hurt at all these levels.
How is the Bush administration moving America? Ever lower
-- ever in the direction of degradation, and dishonorable and
unsafe conduct.
- 12:14am Jul 5, 2001 EST (#6620
of 6623)
And of course Maslow worked from University of Wisconsin .. now a
patron saint ?
- 12:15am Jul 5, 2001 EST (#6621
of 6623) Robert Showalter
Tolerated. Sometimes more.
- 12:16am Jul 5, 2001 EST (#6622
of 6623)
Take time to 'dream of America' Showalter !! :)
- 12:16am Jul 5, 2001 EST (#6623
of 6623) Robert Showalter
Nite !
New York Times on the Web Forums Science
Missile Defense
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