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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 12:55am Jun 30, 2001 EST (#6317 of 6319)

Subjectivity - USA documenation The routine factual style re USA comment is seen as reasonably believable, whereas ;

    the broader historical record – made up of the many thousands of U.S. documents released on Guatemala over the years from the embassy, the intelligence agencies and the defense attachés – are based on a much more subjective and interpretive process. And they confront analysts with the same problem that every reporter, historian and scholar always faces when using primary documents, and the even greater problems faced by prosecutors and defendants in making documents admissible as legal evidence. How do we evaluate for reliability material produced by individual analysts with their own perspectives, prejudices and political agendas? Which documents were written to influence policy, cover-up mistakes, camouflage bad decisions, help promote a personal career, help damage another, or promulgate an ideologicalposition

lunarchick - 01:11am Jun 30, 2001 EST (#6318 of 6319)

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) :

Strikingly, the difficulties that plague today's NMD parallel those that tied up the missile defense system of thirty years ago :

United States and the Chinese Nuclear Program, 1960-64 :


lunarchick - 02:38am Jun 30, 2001 EST (#6319 of 6319)

2008 - Sweden says Beijing Olympic bid should be rejected.
China's hopes of hosting the Olympic Games were hampered when the Swedish sports minister urged the IOC to reject Beijing's 2008 campaign.

Ulrika Messing said she will be contacting IOC delegates and ask them not to vote for Beijing because of China's poor human rights record.

"I want to have my point of view heard and hear the views of the Swedish Olympic committee delegates," she said.

"Human rights are more important than questions solely to do with sport and it's for this reason that political pressure should exerted."

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