

 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  /

    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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gisterme - 06:58pm Jun 25, 2001 EST (#6028 of 6030)

rshowalter wrote ( rshowalter 6/25/01 4:52pm ):

What have I said that is not in the national interest?

11 words.


Here's your answer to your own question, Robert. You wrote:

rshowalter 5/2/01 5:35pm

"...what ought to be crucial is setting out technical information, that can be checked, on matters like resolution, and control capabilities."

Robert, you know as well as I do that things like radar resolution and control capabilites are CLASSIFIED when it comes to defense programs. If you had that information and published it, you would have committed treason against your country. Definately not in your country's best interest.

An internet video feed (with real people, with real names) might work well on some essential issues -- for a number of reasons -- one being that anyone who wanted could look at, and replay, the arguments and calculations..."

Right. More panting for classified data... If that's still what you want I'll repeat the same answer as was given back then ( gisterme 5/2/01 6:25pm ):

"...By the way, good luck on getting a web video feed right into some US DOD research lab (so you can check their work). I'd suggest you go directly to the FBI and see if they can help you set it up... :-) "

I'll BET you haven't followed that suggestion, Robert!

You also said: We're talking classical physics here...

That's a very DECEPTIVE statement and not what YOU are talking about at all.

There is is classical physics involved here, Robert, but there's really not a probelem with theory...I'd wager that there's nothing classified there. The problem arises when you want specific operating parameters of the technology like resolution and control capability. Those aren't physics issues at all. They are technology issues. Revealing those things would definately NOT be in the US' best interest.

If you think I need to be "checked" on that statement, once again, I'd suggest you call the FBI and ask them. If you don't trust me, then CHECK!


9 words.

rshowalter - 07:06pm Jun 25, 2001 EST (#6029 of 6030) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Interesting post -- I'll read it carefully. But at a first approximation -- it reads -- we have miracle after miracle - - output FAR beyond anything in the open literature --- FAR beyond anything technical that anyone in the open can do ---

and you can't dispute it -- because we say so and its classified.

On an issue where massive fraud seems to be involved, it is certainly an interesting position.

Again . . . I'll read it more carefully -- but as of now, I disagree with your interpretation of the national interest, and what can validly be classified.

rshowalter - 07:07pm Jun 25, 2001 EST (#6030 of 6030) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

I'd like to repeat the posts that ended this thread yesterday.
MD5978 rshowalter 6/24/01 9:00pm ... MD5979 rshowalter 6/24/01 9:01pm
MD5980 rshowalter 6/24/01 10:21pm ...

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