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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 11:35am Jun 25, 2001 EST (#5987 of 5991) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Some good questions raised, one way or another, in the last few posting.

This thread IS about missile defense -- and the motivation for missile defense on which everyone seems agreed -- the need to reduce danger from nuclear weapons, and danger and senseless death from other weapons, too.

The issues raised, since about #830 of this thread have mostly been dealt with in response to specific, and very deeply felt, questions raised by almarst , that Dawn Riley and I have worked hard to respond to, and that gisterme has spent much time on, as well.

The thread is built to deal with complexities that take staffs to deal with -- not because the solutions, in the end, have to be complicated, but because the focusing to get to right answers is complicated.

There's a lot covered in the following links, which include many other links.

MD4388 rshowalter 5/31/01 2:49pm ... MD4389 rshowalter 5/31/01 2:51pm
MD4390 rshowalter 5/31/01 2:53pm

MD4392 gisterme 5/31/01 3:02pm ... MD4393 rshowalter 5/31/01 3:12pm

Here is some of the language these links include:

md3477 rshowalter 5/7/01 8:26pm reads in part: ...... "md2012: almarst-2001 4/5/01 2:44pm was important with respect to nuclear disarmament -- it was a conditional acceptance (on the "stand in" basis of this thread -- and may be interesting as a "dry run"

rshowalter 4/5/01 2:32pm "Speaking for the longer term -- the only source of energy on the horizon, that can let the world go on indefinitely, and permit peoples now impoverished to share in prosperity -- has to be nuclear power. "

. almarst: "Agree."

" But nuclear weapons would have to be effectively outlawed. Many kinds of stability and reliability would have to be higher than today. "

" almarst: "Mutually dependent."


And the key phrase is mutually dependent.

Dependent on a lot of things. And on a confidence level about a lot of things.

. . . . .

" gisterme , after half a century of terror, including decades where the fate of all mankind has been at risk, we still have a yawning, painful abyss between two powers that still point world ending arsenals at each other.

. . . . .

" . . . it is amazing how primative the level of communication currently is. We have to get to know each other MUCH better. I think this thread has made a significant start at that, and there's more to be done. Even though some of it is laborious, and some embarrassing.

  • *****

    We're in a mess, the world is in much more danger than it needs to be, and messy and slow as it may seem, we may be making progress.

    We can do without casting stones.

    But a little accounting (done, and ideally, done fairly quietly, but clearly enough so that people can go on, "reading from the same page") could have its uses.

  • * * * *

    I think that we're moving in a direction where a great deal that is hopeful is possible. Dealing with complexity and interdependence, but focusing to sharp, satisfactory specifics, as well.

    rshowalter - 11:51am Jun 25, 2001 EST (#5988 of 5991) Delete Message
    Robert Showalter

    Every one of the questions raised in Skeptical Senators Question Rumsfeld on Missile Defense by JAMES DAO remains important.
    MD5750-53 rshowalter 6/22/01 9:19am

    And the context in which things are happening needs to be accomodated.
    MD5754 rshowalter 6/22/01 9:25am ...... A Delicate Nuclear Balance By ANATOL LIEVEN

    The idea that "we are almost at a deal -- we just haven't agreed on a price" --- simply doesn't fit what Putin is saying in speeches, what almarst has been saying so emphatically and carefully here, or the positions Russia has taken with respect to the militarization of space, in conferences involving a hundred nations.

    jimmyz211a - 11:57am Jun 25, 2001 EST (#5989 of 5991)

    Just Another Way To Waste Americans Tax Dollars

    By the time the missile shield would be completed there would be dozens of ways to counter act it. A terrorist today can carry A W-88 suitcase nuclear weapon to any large American city and destroy it. A ship or plane can bring a nuke here because of our ridiculious rules of engagement ay destroy any US city. Like don't shoot first until you're fired at, or don't fire until you have confirmed the target and request permission to fire upon it policy. Our troops aren't even allowed to carry a loaded clip in their weapons. I guess they think we are morons and will shoot themselves or someone by mistake. When I was on the USS Lawrence DDG-4 steaming for the Persian Gulf in 1983 we were informed that a truck filled with explosives ran the check point and blew up the barracks and killed 250 Marines and sailors. The USS Cole is a good example why we can't protect even the most simple process of refueling a ship. So do you think this country can build a anti defense missile system? I don't. If they do it will be over due, way over budget and won't work, just like we finally found out that Pentagon officials were lying to us about the Patriot missile was doing a good job knocking down Iraq's Scud missiles. The Patriots were a huge failure and the public was lied to about it. What do you think Pentagon officials will tell us about the anti-missile system? Lies that's what.

    James Ziolkowski Buffalo, NY ten year Navy veteran

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