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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 01:48pm Jun 24, 2001 EST (#5963 of 5965) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

MD5913 rshowalter 6/24/01 6:08am ... MD5915 rshowalter 6/24/01 6:46am

rshowalter - 01:48pm Jun 24, 2001 EST (#5964 of 5965) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

We can't change the past, though we sometimes cannot tolerate having it hidden either.

But the past is done -- and what counts, in the here and now, is what we can have - a present and a future. We can't change the past, but we can solve problems. I feel these links are important.
MD4624 rshowalter 6/8/01 3:42pm ..... MD4532 rshowalter 6/6/01 1:48pm

" . . . . -- this thread is an attempt at something new -- a format for workable, traceable, checkable communication and negotiation between staffed organizations, with openness, and more effective memory and accomodation of complexity that was possible before.

" There are many horrors. But there is some common ground, and there are some common goods. The good things that Putin hopes for, and the good things that Bush hopes for, even with all the differences, have much common ground, as well. And those good things, in the complex world that permits so much more than the over-simple models we have in our heads - ought to be, and logically can be compatible and not contradictory -- with careful accomodation - and some toughness and honesty sensibly applied by the many capable people, capable of honor, who are involved."

rshowalter - 01:58pm Jun 24, 2001 EST (#5965 of 5965) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

One thing people of good faith do is check facts.
MD5914 rshowalter 6/19/01 9:22am

MD5420 rshowalter 6/19/01 9:22am

"On the matter of testing, and the general need for technical sanity . . . here, I'm very glad that Senator Levin comes from Michigan , capital of the auto industry, and a place where people can judge the difficulties in the execution of complex systems

"Missile Defense is a lot more complex, and has tigher tolerances, than auto manufacture -- but it seems to me that it is enough to know how difficult auto manufacture is, to judge how crazy the administration's proposals are. These issues can be CHECKED. By real engineers, with real names, in public (preferably with details posted for inspection on the net) with credentials at stake. The issues that matter, on the proposals so far, are unclassified.

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