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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 06:54pm Jun 23, 2001 EST (#5900 of 5906)

A refugee?

    Under the UN Convention, a refugee is described as someone who "has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion; is outside the country they belong to or normally reside in, and is unable or unwilling to return home for fear of persecution.
Well run Nations lessen upheavals and displacement

rshowalter - 06:58pm Jun 23, 2001 EST (#5901 of 5906) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

They sure do. And that's a reason why well run and well defended nations, that also have their internal affairs in order - are important. So militaries have their uses -- if they are used to enforce peace in a dangerous world -- that is, are used in a "defensive" rather than an offensive way.

rshowalter - 07:05pm Jun 23, 2001 EST (#5902 of 5906) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

almarst has come up with reference after reference for a reason that "defense" can take "offense" according to a simple logic, that both Americans and Russians can find compelling

Here's an example:

MD3871 almarst-2001 5/14/01 10:32pm

gisterme 5/14/01 7:58pm ---- gisterme 5/14/01 7:58pm

"It is interesting you decided to dig back into the events of WWII. I never intended to go that far, but if you will, here what I believe.

"The WWII was all about one thing - the energy resources - the coal and oil. Remember, that was an age of the heavy industry and electricity - the source and the key to the prosperity of a nation.

  • ***

    almarst cited more references than I was able to read - framing military conflicts as a struggle for energy resources.

    A really strong argument that the American military uses - - and right as far as it goes -- is that the US, which vitally depends on oil supplies, has to fight for them -- no matter what.

    You can still ask "when is enough enough?"

    But you can see, perhaps, why the connection between military and oil matters has been so close -- in the United States especially --

    You can also see some very solid reasons for trying to get our energy dependences under control.

    That's an argument for other energy sources -- including nuclear energy, or solar energy.

    If the US was not totally dependent on oil resources from abroad, the only solid argument I've heard for the US's need for "overwhelming force" would be removed.

    rshowalter - 07:21pm Jun 23, 2001 EST (#5903 of 5906) Delete Message
    Robert Showalter

    MD4524 rshowalter 6/5/01 9:08pm

    MD4611 rshowalter 6/8/01 1:58pm .... MD4612 rshowalter 6/8/01 1:59pm

    "In some other areas -- solar energy and global warming control, for instance - we face large scale but simple problems. With loose tolerances, and many different ways to proceed on many of the technical details involved.

    "The estimate of all the conventional oil that there ever was or ever will be is less than the amount of sunlight that hits the earth in one day. Exactly the kind of "wing it" approach Rumsfeld just proposed for MD might actually work for solar energy -- we need to find ways to use very extensive areas available on earth -- and the equatorial oceans look like a good place. For "space available" we might SOLVE essential military and economic problems for the whole world --

    MD4613 rshowalter 6/8/01 2:13pm MD4614 rshowalter 6/8/01 2:14pm

    "The key technical problem is floating thin assemblies of sheet plastic (perhaps 30 microns thick in all, including top sheet, bottom sheet, and bubble floatation) with very extensive areas -- and having the assemblies stand up to wind, rain, wave, and whale problems, on the equatorial seas.

    At 5% net efficiency, the area needed would be a square 450 km on a side (which would practically disappear on a map of the equatorial seas, which are much bigger). That would supply all the energy needs of the world. And the technology, once developed, could be expanded far into the future - and produce all the energy one can forsee people needing -- ever.

    "A sloppy kind of engineering problem. Once it was solved - getting photocells onto the top surface would be straightforward. From there to a hydrogen based economy -- the engineering is all doable. - And the world's energy problem would no longer be the current "hopeless" one. Easier than Star Wars.

    "Actually doable. By engineers and institutions that have been struggling with missile defense, and failing.

    " And more important, just in military terms, than a limited missile defense could ever be.

    Not just something the US could do -- Russia, or the EU, or Japan or even Australia, could probably do it, too.

    Other possibilities? Sure. The point is, this looks doable, and could remove some essential reasons for war, and make the world more hopeful and prosperous, too.

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