

 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  /

    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 07:55pm Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5866 of 5872)

GI: said 'lunarchick and (I think) possumdag' add Dawn Riley to the list GI ... but .. who are YOU?

lunarchick - 07:58pm Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5867 of 5872)

GI: interesting your concerns for the database .. if there's nothing else to talk about then lets make the db a victim!

Which db does the NYT use GI ?

How is the db set up?

Is the page length a 'set page length' or is it 'intelligent' and variable re the amount of data per post?

If you have a point - give the logic - so i can understand what your point is!

gisterme - 08:00pm Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5868 of 5872)

I'm gone.

lunarchick - 08:02pm Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5869 of 5872)

GI .. lets suppose I am a 'Grand Jury' ..

- are you going to lie to me through your continued silence as to who you really are?

- have you asked for a a Grand Jury to be brought together so that you can level with them regarding the details of inimacy re yourself that you might think they want to hear?

- if you have, and there's a written report out, kindly forward it to my eAddress listed ...

- i see you don't have either a 'name' or an 'eAddress' .. that's tough!

lunarchick - 08:03pm Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5870 of 5872)

Sweet dreams GI :)

lunarchick - 08:08pm Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5871 of 5872)

GI asked what have the above dialogues to do with the 'Sheild' ... isn't it all to do with reading from the same page, establishing truth over lies and deceits.

If truth is established.

If people each learn there are no 'others', rather the people of the world are one family, with similar needs, who need nurturing, feeding, educating, training, and a chance to apply themselves to assist the commnity of the world, then there wouldn't be need to spend $billions on defence ... much in un audited and un accountable ways.

rshowalter - 08:41pm Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5872 of 5872) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

MD5771rshowalter 6/22/01 11:48am. . . MD5589 rshowalter 6/22/01 1:10pm

MD5798-99 rshowalter 6/22/01 1:42pm ... read:

We aren't that far from a deal - - but the key problems, just now, are on the American side.

And they can be fixed. What's needed is not retribution, or "simple justice" - (there is no simple justice to be had here) but a deal - - a reframing -- a secular redemption -- the kind very many smart Republican lawyers, some of my acquaintance, know how to make.

  • *

    At the end of that, nobody has to like each other (though that might help) but everybody has to be reading from the same page on basic facts and relations --- and everybody has to have a situation where they have decent security, and can function, as they are, and not as others might wish them to be.

    gisterme , have you read the references collected in Britannica's KISSINGER ON TRIAL piece? . . . MD5784-5787 rshowalter 6/22/01 1:05pm

    Really read them?

    Don't they set out unfortunate circumstances?

    Isn't it reasonable that we try to do better?

    We can, and we have to. Situations will force it, but it would be better if it were done gracefully.

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