

 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  /

    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 09:33am Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5761 of 5770)

The EU doesn't ask jailers to KILL it's OWN citizens ... it's in advance of the USA !

rshowalter - 09:37am Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5762 of 5770) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Brutality and lies are related here, and this thread has discussed lies, and "the culture of lying" in journalism, extensively with almarst.

Lies, and not just lies that make life more dramatic, such as those Morris describes today in Just Our Imaginations, Running Away are an issue.

Just Our Imaginations, Running Away by EDMUND MORRIS

Lies that make life much more dangerous and ugly are an issue.

rshowalter - 09:38am Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5763 of 5770) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

And behavior is an issue. Here's a letter to the editor worth repeating in full here, I believe:

June 18, 2001 Nominee's Defense Honduran Past Stalls Bush Pick for U.N. (June 14, 2001) To the Editor:

Re "Central America Fallout Stalls U.N. Pick" (front page, June 14): Defenders of John D. Negroponte, President Bush's nominee to be ambassador to the United Nations, assert that when he was ambassador to Honduras in the 1980's, he had to balance concerns with human rights with the struggle against "Communism" (really nationalist regimes that threatened America's traditional oligarchical allies).

" It is precisely this attitude — in which larger ideals are subordinated to narrow policy concerns — that has made the United States seem such a dubious defender of human rights to the world. STEVEN SHERMAN

Thomas Friedman has recently commented on the merciless of some US policy, according to Kissingerian principles, and that is a central issue on this thread.

rshowalter - 09:39am Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5764 of 5770) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

My computer is under attack, and these attacks, recently, have sometimes been serious -- including the destruction of files.

Out for a little while.

lunarchick - 09:49am Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5765 of 5770)

Seems the USA must employ a bunch of delinquents, using dirty tricks, to harass citizens working for improved international understanding .. shows an obvious lack of genuine leadership on the part of this President - Bush!

lunarchick - 10:56am Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5766 of 5770)

Russia MD May2000

lunarchick - 10:59am Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5767 of 5770)

Russia remembers Nazi invasion

lunarchick - 11:01am Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5768 of 5770)


rshowalter - 11:21am Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5769 of 5770) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

MD2039 almarst-2001 4/6/01 10:53am

almarst-2001 4/6/01 10:53am ...quoted an article that dealt with Negroponte, who President Bush wants to represent the US on human rights as Ambassador the the United Nations.

Not everyone appreciates all the motives involved.
MD 2812 withington2 4/30/01 1:27pm

rshowalter - 11:21am Jun 22, 2001 EST (#5770 of 5770) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

A key focus on this thread has been this sort of concern, and other concerns about changed circumstances -- because these concerns are at the center of our difficulties involving missile defense, and the "need" for it.
MD2813 rshowalter 4/30/01 1:27pm

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