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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 05:20pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5675 of 5687)

On Japan in '46, it's said they had over reached themselves, to the point where their supply lines, economy etc were collapsing. The question is were their mind-sets altering ... well according to the latest Pearl Harbour Film for Hollywood .. the WWIIJaps were the nicest of friendly folk --- or do Americans 'twist' history?

rshowalter - 05:21pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5676 of 5687) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

A really solid alliance with Russia would be a good thing for Siberia, and Alaska, and all of East Asia.

dirac_10 - 05:26pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5677 of 5687)

lunarchick - 05:20pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5675 of 5676)

...well according to the latest Pearl Harbour Film for Hollywood .. the WWIIJaps were the nicest of friendly folk --- or do Americans 'twist' history?

The Japanese market for the film was critical for financial success. They altered it for that market, but it could be altered only so much.

mazza9 - 05:27pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5678 of 5687)

I remember one of the early Mad magazines published in the early 50s. One "article" poked fun at the WWII movies that were already showing signs of revisionism. Mad predicted that there would come a time when FDR would apologize to the Japanese for the ear drum damage that the Zero pilots suffered from the exploding ships in Pearl Harbor. what was ridiculous then is political correctness today. Who says life doesn't follow art?


lunarchick - 05:27pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5679 of 5687)

The shield of faith rebuffed Satan at every point and quenched he fiery darts. To each tempting suggestion, Jesus replied with a verse ..

{Satan = Rogue}

Seems taking Texas-Tea with Billy Graham has had an influence on USA military policy.

lunarchick - 05:29pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5680 of 5687)

George Johnson ... I knew 'MAD' Mag had an influence on your development .. it wasn't Johnson on the cover - was it ?

lunarchick - 05:34pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5681 of 5687)

The first MAD (comic) was issued in which year?

dirac_10 - 05:46pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5682 of 5687)

mazza9 is George Johnson? I'm confused.

gisterme - 06:15pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5683 of 5687)

midmoon wrote (WRT S. Korean defense midmoon 6/21/01 9:46am ):

"...Was this to protect the US ruling class? Really do you think so? You seems to study again!..."

Good post, midmoon. No doubt our "comrades" on this thread will have some trouble spinning an "oil" motive into that one.

mazza9 - 06:19pm Jun 21, 2001 EST (#5684 of 5687)


LouMazza is Mazza9. I don't use handles, aliases or other foolishness'. Who's George Johnson?


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