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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 08:03pm Jun 20, 2001 EST (#5587 of 5636) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

I think the impasses can be gotten through, and then objectives that gisterme and I share entirely, and almarst shares, too, could be achieved.

But gisterme , if that occurs, I'd use the word "accomodation."

rshowalter - 08:07pm Jun 20, 2001 EST (#5588 of 5636) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

MD 5575 ndpnyt 6/20/01 7:01pm interested me. Talked about linkage.

Putin, pretty obviously, believes in linkage. He thinks things have to be interdependent.

lunarchick - 08:34pm Jun 20, 2001 EST (#5589 of 5636)

Just musing here Showalter ... but .. when Bush/Putin walked in the garden .. i wonder if they both wore wires ... so they could get transcripts of what they actually said to each other :)

rshowalter - 08:37pm Jun 20, 2001 EST (#5590 of 5636) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

In a better world, in meetings between leaders, it would be expected -- and they'd exchange recordings, to be sure that nobody missed anything.

Clear's safer !

rshowalter - 08:38pm Jun 20, 2001 EST (#5591 of 5636) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

MD5548 rshowalter 6/20/01 1:17pm ... MD5549 rshowalter 6/20/01 1:18pm

MD5550 almarst-2001 6/20/01 1:45pm
I found almarst's expression of Putin's position really interesting.

MD5551 rshowalter 6/20/01 1:58pm . . . MD5552 rshowalter 6/20/01 1:59pm
I don't think we'd be far from a deal, if the Bush administration led the American people to accomodations Americans would be glad and proud to make.

lunarchick - 08:39pm Jun 20, 2001 EST (#5592 of 5636)

accommodation n 1: making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstances [syn: adjustment, fitting] 2: a settlement of differences; "they reached an accommodation with Japan" 3: in the theories of Jean Piaget: the modification of internal representations in order to accommodate a changing knowledge of reality

rshowalter - 08:40pm Jun 20, 2001 EST (#5593 of 5636) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

I bet progressive forces in Iran, and N. Korea, and China, and Iraq would be glad to talk about accomodations -- especially if, in some cases, the US did not take the lead -- perhaps let Sweden, Germany, and Russia do it.

rshowalter - 08:46pm Jun 20, 2001 EST (#5594 of 5636) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Good accomodations are well proportioned to circumstances, and the needs of the parties involved.

lunarchick - 09:02pm Jun 20, 2001 EST (#5595 of 5636)

I hear there's a problem with the US and the Swedish camp ... Bwsh didn't send the Swedes the expected "Thank you for hosting" call ... reason ?

Reason we hear was the Bwsh camp overheard that PM's CLEAR frank assessment of Bwsh -- who was touchy about it!

rshowalter - 09:02pm Jun 20, 2001 EST (#5596 of 5636) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

MD 2334 rshowalter 4/17/01 8:13pm

In "Beauty" Mark Anderson quotes Heisenberg's definition of beauty in the exact sciences:

" beauty is the proper conformity of the parts to one another and to the whole."

Good theory is an attempt to produce this kind of beauty in a specific context of assumption and data.

Goodness can be judged in terms of that context, and also the fit with contexts that, for logical reasons, have to fit together.


MD2452 rshowalter 4/20/01 10:36pm

gisterme , the administration does seem to be trying to improve on the mess Clinton did not much change:
MD2455 rshowalter 4/20/01 10:43pm

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