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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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possumdag - 10:29pm Jun 19, 2001 EST (#5498 of 5506)


That Israel has behaved so terribly in the Middle East region is seen, by many, to have the direct hand of approval of the USA Government.

How do things work in the USA.
Can a lobby, a rich lobby, determine USA policy regardless of the NEEDS of others in the Middle EAST ?

Where: The current Prime Minister of Israel is seen internationally as A War Criminal!

possumdag - 10:33pm Jun 19, 2001 EST (#5499 of 5506)

The above posts ask the question how can the individual enfranchised voter in the USA effect foreign strategic policy ...

Are the policies used the 'will' of the people - generally?

If the regular foreign policy of the USA falls short, as it does, and has done. Then in respect of an MD policy .. how can the people of the world view the USA as a country capable of exercising power.

possumdag - 10:34pm Jun 19, 2001 EST (#5500 of 5506)

Hard to believe that Jimmy Carter wanted arms to be used to subdue the march of humaine progress.

possumdag - 10:35pm Jun 19, 2001 EST (#5501 of 5506)

This being so, how was his foreign policy constructed and run ?

almarst-2001 - 11:11pm Jun 19, 2001 EST (#5502 of 5506)

gisterme 6/19/01 7:01pm

While the question was put to Robert, I will try to unswer since that was one of my major points of criticizm raised a long time ago.

gisterme asks: "What has the US done in Kosovo and Yugoslavia that is illegal in UN terms? "

According to International Law it is only up to the UN Security Council and only unanimously, to authorise the military action against a souveren state. Which, if taken, should be conducted by the UN military forces under the UN command.

No such authorisation was issued. The US and its NATO "partners" acted unilaterally. which in terms of International Law should constitute the act of agression. Simple as that.

Moreover, NATO reneged its own charter which authorised its action only in case of agression against one of its members. No such agression took place. The US-led NATO broked its own law and became an agressor.

Additionally, the US-NATO forces extensivly used clustered bombs outlawed by international laws of war, as well as toxic DU munition, bordering if not crossing the prohibition of use of chemical wearpons.

The targeting of civilian and even dual-use infrastructure is prohibited even by the US military law. It was done extensivly against Serbian civilian infrastructure which was destroyed by some 70%. Including schools, hospitals, bridges and water and power stations.

I "Isn't Milosevic the one who's heading to the docket for war crimes?"

Milosevic is far from being an angel. However, even today, there is no evidence of his authorisation of what US claimed the "genocide" (which never took place even after the bombing started. However, Milosovic was "convicted" just after the beginning of the bombing compain. Based solelly on the "evidence" provided by CIA and the Pentagon - the infamous "fields of death" pictures from US satelites. Interestingly (but not to US media) enough, those found to be a fiction. If, as I suspect, those where fabricated, this would constitute the most dreadful crime against humanity after the Polish "attack" on German border in WWII which Hitler used as an excuse for agression on the East.

"Isn't it contradictory to say that a consortium of nations (plural) like NATO has acted "unilaterally" there."

Indeed, I have no single explanation for that. It may be a some of many. I may speculate for the possible reasons for US (legitimisation of NATO after the end of the Cold War), Italy (influx of Albanian mafia), Germany (same as Italy plus economical expansion Eastward) and Britain (same as US). Additionally, the new NATO member - the Hungary, pressed very hard for destruction of Yugoslavia, particularelly the Serbia - its forever Slavic nemesis separating it from the rest of Catolic Europe. Don't forget the strategic importance of Danube, the proposed oil pipes, the link to the NATO's member - the Turkey.

However, this "consortium" represents a minor part of the World of nations. It just an NATO-based extention of US into the Europe. Which where promised to get the victory in 3 days over what US State Dep. and the US media declared the "new reincarnation of the Hitler".

One should recall the "infamous" Rambuliette which appendix "A" provided for the NATO occupation of all Yugoslavia. I challenge anyone to come up with anything closer to the Hitler's ultimatum to the Chechoslovakia. It is also useful to recall the CIA-KLA ties and support of KLA by US Albanian diaspora and its political influence.

It is the ultimate shame that US and British pilots (possibly the sones of saved by Serbs pilots of WWII) joined hands with Germany and Italy in this criminal act. In their place I would not have a good sleep.

"You may not have noticed but the Russians and NATO seem to be on the same side now that the Albanians are the ones causing the problems in Macedonia."

The US-led NATO looked the other way while KLA "took revenge" on S

almarst-2001 - 11:15pm Jun 19, 2001 EST (#5503 of 5506)

gisterme 6/19/01 7:01pm


"You may not have noticed but the Russians and NATO seem to be on the same side now that the Albanians are the ones causing the problems in Macedonia."

The US-led NATO looked the other way while KLA "took revenge" on Serbs, Roma, Jews and even moderate or honest Albanians in Kosovo after the occupation. Some 300000 Kosovo refugies, including Albanians, live today in Serbia proper - the only peaceful multhiethnic territory of what used to be Yugoslavia. More then 2000 civilian death where recorded after the NATO occupation. The occupation agreement called for disarmament of KLA which 30000 NATO troups whare unable or rather unwilling to do. Even after the end of the bombing, the US/NATO breached the last agreement it signed with Yugoslavia under the UN authorisation.

IIsn't it enough for you?

possumdag - 11:23pm Jun 19, 2001 EST (#5504 of 5506)


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