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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 06:18am Jun 19, 2001 EST (#5412 of 5414) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Wonderful articles, both well worth reading in their entirety:

Putin Says Russia Would Counter U.S. Shield by PATRICK E. TYLER

Useful Legacy of Nuclear Treaty: Global Earphones by WILLIAM J. BROAD

rshowalter - 06:43am Jun 19, 2001 EST (#5413 of 5414) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Sampling also works if you want to look at the output of a particular poster, or the treatment of a particular subject, on this thread. At the bottom of every page of this forum, there's a series of red buttons, including "search".

The searching by keywords works well.

For example, I just searched "nazi" on this thread, and found it connected with a number of things, since September of last year.

Also gisterme.

rshowalter - 07:15am Jun 19, 2001 EST (#5414 of 5414) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

MD3150 rshowalter 5/3/01 12:34pm ... reads in part

" Here's the interchange on checking between me and gisterme last night: (links to 7 postings follow)

" If the checking discussed were actually done, I think that would be constructive. I also think the presence of the dialog itself, or dialog like it, might be constructive. Nobody is going to deploy a missile defense system anytime soon. And people on both sides are at least open to argument.

" For myself, I feel the most important thing about NMD is that it is getting people to pay attention to matters of nuclear risk. I don't see that NMD can work. But it might be an instrumental part of a process that got to a solution that could.

gisterme and I may disagree about feasiblility (though I can't be sure of what gisterme really believes, underneath her professional stance of advocacy).

But we do agree on the value of NMD to get dialog moving toward a safer world.

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 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  / Missile Defense

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