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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 02:11pm Jun 14, 2001 EST (#5105 of 5106) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Americans, who can be admirable so often, can also look very much like Nazis, and I don't think our country can be proud of that. Fritz's language in^1102622@.f0ce57b . . is a good example of the reasons that many people not to like and do not trust the United States . We make our own enemies with such attitudes - and make accomodations that might otherwise occur impossible.

MD5037^1102622@.f0ce57b/5371... MD5038 lunarchick 6/13/01 9:17pm

Major Strasser, of Casablanca

MD5039 rshowalter 6/13/01 9:18pm . . . MD5040 lunarchick 6/13/01 9:19pm

Scene from Casablanca

MD5041rshowalter 6/13/01 9:19pm ... MD5042 lunarchick 6/13/01 9:22pm

more Casablanca

MD5043 rshowalter 6/13/01 9:25pm ...

It seems to me that the resemblence between the right wing of the Republican party and the NAZIs is more than casual, and more than accidental.

As for the Bushes, it does seem to me, and has for some years seemed, that the early association between the Bush family and NAZI influences has been very actively continued.

. . . people revering the "military virtues," and associating these virtues with George W. Bush, ought to take a good look at this . Makes me wonder about some things. . .

MD5045 rshowalter 6/13/01 9:28pm

Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror

Given the ugliness of the past, it could be that George W. Bush, and his right wing Republican administration, could be just the people to fix problems -- knowing so much about how they came about.

But not on a basis where people have to trust them, without checking a great deal. And not without being clear what happened in the past.

The European leaders are not embracing Mr. Bush -- and that is happening for reasons the people of the United States should come to understand, without showing contempt for the Europeans, as expressed in^1102622@.f0ce57b

rshowalter - 02:51pm Jun 14, 2001 EST (#5106 of 5106) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

We're in a situation where, if people would only acknowldedge what a mess things are, and have been -- and make accomodations for the future -- there could be great progress.

But decisions and accomodations would have to be make on the basis of things that are true -- things that can be shown to be true -- not one fraud and deception after another.

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