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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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almarst-2001 - 11:41pm Apr 24, 2001 EST (#2568 of 2578)

On Chechnia.

I condemn this war as any other.

However, the simple basic fearness calls for a very deep soul searching among Western "benevolent humanitarian" organizations and the media.

It is clear to me in Chechnia as in Yugoslavia, the separatists are getting full moral and material support from the West. Even the dreadful acts of terror are not condemned but rather explained as understandable reaction. Remember the fate af national minorities in "liberated" Kosovo?

Compare the Western attitude to the Turkish "treatment" of Kurds. Or attitude to the IRA, ETA, Corsican separatists, even Quebec nacionalists. Compare the war crimes of Rusiian army with carpet bombing and Agent Orange in Vietnam. With French and British colonial wars. With bombing and starving of Iraqi's citizens.

The perception, if not the reality, is that the West is inciting and using the nazionalistic movements to waken and harm other nations while preserving their right to use any draconian responses to separatistic movements affecting their nations.

possumdag - 01:12am Apr 25, 2001 EST (#2569 of 2578)

Alex there seem to be mulitple truths here in relation to:

    the Russian perception
    the Chetnyan perception
    the Western perception
That the Chetnyan Guys who took hostages in Turkey a few days ago were prepared to sentence themselves to a Turkish Prison shows they want a focus on their country .. want the Russian and their own TRUTH explored.

One knows that much of the Chetnyan activites have seemed like impure-madness, evenso they need LEADERSHIP out of the hell-hole they believe themselves to be living in.

Leadership will relate to 'A PLAN for the FUTURE', and the development of an economy giving stability with purpose.

The tradgedy of long-running-conflicts is that the immature minds of the children are warped into seeing 'others' as the 'enemy' ... resulting in them (the child to youth) opting for senseless terrorism.

With Chetnya, if Russia has taken this State in hand, then it has to:

    Accept and value their religious affiliations
    Allow people to develop their IDENTITY
    acknowledge the VALUE of each person
    Give people HOPE so they can work to
    a better future
    Give people the skills for good
    citizenship and
    an accepting life
Putin has to lead both Russia and Chetnya and the medium for leadership is a frank and enabling media that allows good discourse.

Islam isn't mad. It's just that when economic chaos takes stranglehold then the Whacko elements surface as the general population struggle with mere survival.

possumdag - 01:18am Apr 25, 2001 EST (#2570 of 2578)

Regarding perception there are two types:

    The mantle of State down perception as illustrated by census and statistics.
    The individual up perception, as illustrated by an individuals story, their struggle, their circumstance, their hopes, dreams, and need for a way out of the labarynth/maze .. back to an orderly and progressive society that affords opportunity for decent existence and riches for those who have luck combined with understandings of future trends.

possumdag - 01:27am Apr 25, 2001 EST (#2571 of 2578)

Showalter: reading the MD readings relating to Missiles and StarWars it seems that people take on these unfounded, unproven solutions to national security as if they were religion.

Religion is faith ... a faith that fits a vacuum of need in human composition.

Early religion related to nature. Gods/spirits were in the rocks, waters and trees.

When people took to travel by horse, then god was thrown skyward.

When people took to killing each other by skyward missiles ... then the missile became a god.

That people treat missile defence as an 'UGLY' untouchable religion the reason why they have a seeming secure belief in the magic powers of large ugly bullets of destruction ....... rather than them seeing the need to get on with their international neighbours in a logical negotiatied manner.

The race for power lies in riches. Riches are earned through the wise use of intellectual knowledge.

Individual people with outstanding riches often want to utilise that wealth to afford opportunities for life, education, health, peace to others.

What hinders the thinking of Individually rich countries to want to act like a rich individual and incrementally attempt to improve the lives of others within countries suffering adversity?

Who thinks for the rich country ... is that thinking clear or muddled, does individual greed of those in power fail the national thought process, and how can clear thinking planning start to happen?

possumdag - 01:33am Apr 25, 2001 EST (#2572 of 2578)

Back to Alex re 'On Chechnia' ... a thought here is if Russia (the bigger country - supposedly 'in control') were to not regard the west as an enemy - rather a friend, then as a friend of Chechnia Russia might advise the West as to how it could help that Nation and the individuals within it.

Seems that the old concept of the Marshall Plan, pulling both countries up to a higher standard at a fast pace ... might be the solution that makes both more functional within a short time frame ... and once functionality kicks in .. then live for both will become more normal.

possumdag - 01:40am Apr 25, 2001 EST (#2573 of 2578)

In Oz today is ANZAC DAY .. a time to remember the madness and futility of war(s). The Dardenells (Turkey) are the focus of attention. The children of the old Turks and old Aussies are now 'good mates' and the war graves are memorial tourist venues. The conflicts of the past are HISTORY .. and countries and people seem to need that history to make sense of who they (think) they are, in National and individual terms. The eternal flame to the memory of the dead is a 365(6) day a year reminder of the sacrifice of lives and loves ... an a reminder that improved political systems, negotion methods and VISION might help limit unnecessary death and heartbreak in the future.

possumdag - 01:59am Apr 25, 2001 EST (#2574 of 2578)

Islam thread

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