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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 05:27pm Apr 18, 2001 EST (#2373 of 2379) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

I think the people who are harassing us might fairly be said to be on the "dark side" -- in terms of behavior that Dawn Riley and I have dealt with at lenth in Guardian Talk/ Issues Mankind's Inhumanity to Man and Woman - As natural as human goodness?

The thread starts:

" Looking at the world, there are so many cases of "unthinkable" and "unexplainable" evil and negligence, that the mind and heart recoils. People recall such behavior among the Nazis, and recoil, as well they might. How could "civilized, aesthetically sensitive, cultured people" ALSO act so monstrously, and with such clear and sophisticated murderous intent.

" But is this behavior so strange? Or is it the NATURAL state of people, dealing with outsiders, outsiders who they naturally dehumanize, and deal with as heartless, exploitive predators? Is it civilization and mercy that are the "unnatural" things - the things that have to be taught, and negotiated into being, and strived for?

" I'm coming to think that it is just as natural for people to act "inhumanly" - that is cruelly, and in a dehumanizing way, towards OUTSIDERS, as it is natural for people to act warmly, and with accommodation and mutual support, for people WITHIN their group.

" I'm coming to the view that, just as there is an instinct for language, and an instinct for becoming a part of a group, inborn in humans, there is an instinct to exclude outsiders, to dehumanize them, to withhold cooperation from them, and to treat them as animals, subject to manipulation an predation. I'm coming to believe that this treatment of outsiders is an instinctive species characteristic, evolved over the millions of years when people lived as gatherers and team hunters.

" If this is true, we all have the basic instincts to be kind, sensitive, and good, within our groups, but at the same time are naturally "monsters" in our behavior toward outsiders.

" If this is right, the role of civilization is to find ways of peace and effective cooperation where isolation, conflict, duplicity, and merciless manipulation, including murder, might otherwise occur.

  • *******

    We need to learn to be more civilized than we are. A big step would be to acknowledge what I'm now convinced is a fact -- that "man's inhumanity to man" is as natural as breathing.

    But shameful all the same.

    rshowalter - 05:31pm Apr 18, 2001 EST (#2374 of 2379) Delete Message
    Robert Showalter

    I believe that, when you look at the history of human warfare, and especially the history of bombing -- and most especially the history of nuclear terror -- it makes a great deal of sense to acknowledge that people naturally, spontaneously, act monstrously to people they regard, in some fundamental way, as "threatening" outsiders.

    rshowalter - 05:34pm Apr 18, 2001 EST (#2375 of 2379) Delete Message
    Robert Showalter

    And that whole institutions, the CIA among them, can become monstrous, can become "people of the lie."

    There are plenty of dark cases -- Russia had and has plenty of examples.

    Human beings can be horrific. And often are.

    That includes Americans.

    We need to learn enough about ourselves, and what cooperation needs, to make the horrors less.

    lunarchick - 05:39pm Apr 18, 2001 EST (#2376 of 2379)

    Colin Powell has a good world-press today in defence of his leadership initiative re The Gaza Strip. When the leaders of Palestine/Isreal don't have a leadership gene, then, it looks as if Powell might well mediate to a resolve in that situation .. were he to have an open check book to offer education to Palestinians so that they and Isreal could grow brainpower to run the area with technical competence and commerce .. he'd be well on the way to a solution.

    rshowalter - 05:40pm Apr 18, 2001 EST (#2377 of 2379) Delete Message
    Robert Showalter

    I think that lies, and diversions and deceptions that function as lies, are perhaps tens or hundreds of times more common than most people are willing to admit (within their own social groups, at least).

    Once the commonness of deception is seen, a great many "insoluble problems" become much more soluble. The "insoluble problems" have often been put there, in some individual or group's interest, to prevent fairly obvious things from being seen.

    For instance, Star Wars has been, from the beginning, a massive fraud - technically, and for a long time, financial.

    Much of the US military-industrial complex is now, and has been for some time, based on false pretenses -- and a great deal of money has been taken under these false pretenses.

    And people are deep enough into it that they don't see a way out.

    The way out is simple --- admit the lie, and permit reasonable human accomodations to be made.

    Every nation state needs a chance for a reasonable, secure defense.

    We don't need to go on manufacturing conflicts.

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