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(10971 previous messages)
- 12:48am Jan 23, 2002 EST (#10972
of 10987)
Where the USA falls short on EU entry standards: Quality starts
with the head, not 'off with it', rather remodel and re-educate and
re-release when possible. Interesting that 1 out of every 7
prisoners, Killed by the State in the USA, are actually
innocent Seems the US ought to be taking a good look at the
Standards of Europe - especially in light of recent criticsm of
tiger caging in Cuba.
ANKARA Deputy Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz said Sunday that
Turkey aimed to abolish the death penalty this year as it strives
to meet European Union standards.
Turkey has not carried out any executions since the mid-1980s,
but capital punishment remains on the statute books. The EU, which
made Turkey a candidate in 1999, has said it expects abolition of
the penalty and other human rights reforms before accession talks
can begin.
"Our goal is for the death penalty to be completely lifted
from the penal code," Mr. Yilmaz, who oversees Turkey's
relations with the EU, said in a TV interview. ANKARA Deputy Prime
Minister Mesut Yilmaz said Sunday that Turkey aimed to abolish the
death penalty this year as it strives to meet European Union
- 01:01am Jan 23, 2002 EST (#10973
of 10987)
Professor Brian Wynne of Lancaster U(UK) has noted a trend
towards a national 'gut feeling' .. the UK population reached a
point where they did not believe anything told them by their
government that was lying and hiding the truth.
Such gut feelings are happening world wide regarding US approach
to (war/non-war) prisoners, happening in the US re Enron, happening
worldwide re failure of US to take initiatives relating to a cleaner
less polluted world - including the clean up of the nuclear mess.
- 01:37am Jan 23, 2002 EST (#10974
of 10987)
The 'advanced' GERMAN Economy is suffering. One factor here is
that country can be relied upon to produce 'quality' product for
advancing economies. If the technically advanced, including the USA,
want to have and hold markets .. then they must assist the
development of economies ranked a little below their own, in order
for there to be a Demand for product.
Were the US to 'release' those captured in the MD time capsule
they might be deployed to assist 2nd and 3rd tier economies to grow
.. and have the capacity to buy product from the US - thus assisting
that economy to continue to be robust.
- 02:09am Jan 23, 2002 EST (#10975
of 10987) Paul Krugman was on an advisory board at Enron and
collected $50K.
1/23/02 1:37am
58.4 billion exported to the US
40.9 billion imported from the US
And you propose a further transfer of our wealth to Germany.
- 02:13am Jan 23, 2002 EST (#10976
of 10987) Paul Krugman was on an advisory board at Enron and
collected $50K.
1/23/02 12:48am
"Interesting that 1 out of every 7 prisoners, Killed by the
State in the USA, are actually innocent"
That's just a bunch of crap.
- 07:00am Jan 23, 2002 EST (#10977
of 10987)
Am i to mistake your words for figures? jack_hillbern
1/23/02 2:13am The 1:7 is figure quoted by pro-life lobby, who
also talk of race, poverty and access to legal representation!
- 07:16am Jan 23, 2002 EST (#10978
of 10987)
You're reading in a 'mutual exclusivity' jack_hillbern
1/23/02 2:09am re Advanced Economies and trade - it wasn't
- 08:03am Jan 23, 2002 EST (#10979
of 10987)
Seems superficial? Dances on air? The logic almost fits but isn't
impressive? Much is underpinned by the then as yet undiscovered:
Bridges have come a long way, can join the past
with the present, the traditional to the advanced. Bridge Engineers
can see the value in the work they do. Folks often think they
know until tools and guides come along that assist and improve
understanding - grounding and anchoring logics for use in a
qualitatively improved impressive future.
- 08:45am Jan 23, 2002 EST (#10980
of 10987)
Interesting posts. I'll respond. But I'd like to repeat this
post, about the stakes involved here, and some things that could be
done, that ought to be in the American tradition.
MD10961 rshow55
1/22/02 12:49pm
- 10:42am Jan 23, 2002 EST (#10981
of 10987) Louis Mazza
So you don't "believe in precision munitions. Do you believe in
Santa Claus? Does your beliefs have any validity in a science forum?
would you consider testing your belief by sitting in a portapotty
and allowing me to target you from 40,000' with one precision guided
2000lb bomb? The GPS guided munitions have a small CEP and I can
assure you I wouldn't be in that portapotty. But heck, if you're a
person that lives by his beliefs rather than fact then "Ad Dios"
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Missile Defense