New York Times on the Web Forums Science
Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's
war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars"
defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make
the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an
application of science be successful? Is a militarized space
inevitable, necessary or impossible?
(10279 previous messages)
- 09:01pm Nov 5, 2001 EST (#10280
of 10657)
gisterme - (#10269)
The likes of I, saying that I feel we are paying a price for the
lack of our duty for care for Afghanistan post 1996 is one thing.
But lets not give or credit OBL with enough heart or compassion or
understanding to feel that or attribute him saying so, when he did
not; nor even thought it. The west is letting OBL win the PR battle,
so lets not make it easier for him.
You say “When I say they belong to the "same club" I mean that
they share the common goal of destroying and/or subjugating western
civilization. So long as they're helping move each other toward that
goal, they'll remain bedfellows”. You are clearly not aware that OBL
when Saddam went first into Kuwait went to King Fahad and said he
and his followers would repel Saddam should he enter the neural zone
between Kuwait and Saudi…. The King turned him down and went running
to the west. This meant US soldiers posted on the land of the two
holy places? That’s one of the reasons why OBL states the House of
Saud and Saddam should fall for allowing that desecration.
The ex King of Afghanistan has for the last 16 years since the
death of his cousin wanted to return to Afghanistan and reclaim a
throne and rule, indeed he tried to do a deal with Gorbachov and
also Yeltsin and that is well documented.
gisterme - (#10270 )
You state “He didn't have much trouble firing missiles into
Israel during the Gulf War” these were aged scuds that were
inaccurate and have a limited range indeed his scuds could not reach
the Mediterranean.
You say “He still has many of those same missiles plus what ever
new stuff he's been able to develope or acquire.” You can not
develop technology or buy missiles with no cash moreover 99% percent
of the scuds were destroyed, even those that were not, were then old
and would now be lucky to get off the ground.
You say, “Culling Hitler didn't create a thousand more like him”.
Firstly the German Government would not agree; given the sums they
have to spend each year stifling fascism in Germany. Moreover we did
not cull Hitler; he did [suicide] so, himself. One could not win
hearts and minds by committing suicide you stand no chance of
becoming a martyr, by being a coward and taking ones own life as
Hitler did.
As you say, “We'll just have to agree to disagree about some
gisterme - (#10273) You state "ostrich...of course, we humans
shouldn't blame the poor ostriches for where they stick their heads
because, after all, they only have little bird-brains"
Clearly I was disappointed with you if you have resorted to now
evidently only capable of crass insults. Correspondingly there is
little point trying to discuss anything if you wish to resort to
being uncivilised, that behaviour I expect only from the likes of
the Taliban.
- 03:06pm Nov 6, 2001 EST (#10281
of 10657)
Don't be disappointed with gisterme. He is pretty consistent in
his view that West and paticularely the US represent the pinacle of
civilization just short of the God's Heaven. Almost...
As the US bombers shake and mix the ground in Afganistan seeking
to destroy whatever has left after the 20 years of war, readily as
usual accepting the "colateral damage" and the perspective of coming
winter starvation of thousends civilians, the real face of this
"civilization" is pretty ugly and visible to all.
And given the promise that it is just the beginning of a crusade
to bring the "infinite justice" to this world, the need for the MD
is obvious.
Yes. In order to continue the "humanitarian" bombing World Wide
crusade, the US needs all the MD it can afford and then some. It
also needs to bring the special forces into the domestic "front",
discard its constitution, close the Internet, take the control over
the media, introduce the torcher of the suspects, arrests without
warants, concentration camps for middle eastern looking residents
and more as it finds "helpfull".
Forget the Butter, Give me the Gun! And I am sure the God will
- 12:24am Nov 7, 2001 EST (#10282
of 10657) Louis Mazza
Sure and the picture I saw of a "Muslim" man administering
justice to a burqua clad women who is kneeling in anticipation of
the Kalisnikov round to blow off her face is the height of human
If you're so smart why don't you go there and tell them how you
support them and the blanekty blanks who think killing innocents is
- 04:32am Nov 7, 2001 EST (#10283
of 10657)
ledzepplin wrote ( ledzeppelin
11/5/01 9:01pm ):
"...But lets not give or credit OBL with enough heart or
compassion or understanding to feel that or attribute him saying so,
when he did not; nor even thought it..."
I give that snake no credit for heart or campassion; but I
do give him credit for showing understanding and intelligence
towards advancing his agenda. Certainly overestimating an
adversary's ability is safer than underestimating it. Wouldn't you
agree? After all, the events of September 11 were the result of
underestimation. By the way, how do you know what OBL
has said or what he thinks? That's a pretty definate statement you
make about that. Been in the cave? A psychic perhaps? Got a '900
number? What?
"...The west is letting OBL win the PR battle, so lets not
make it easier for him..."
Hah! That's a gas! Firstly, I said I was mistaken and apologized
about the mis-attribution. You're so gracious!
Secondly, I'm flattered that you think so highly of 'ol
gisterme's ability to enable OBL's evil powers by a few words
in this backwater forum. :-) Gotta smile at that. But we absolutely
do agree in principal on that larger point you make.
WRT how the PR war is going I have to agree with you that the
enemy has been doing okay so far; but this is just the beginning of
that conflict. The radical Islamist PR campaign has been going on in
some form for what? Thirty years? More or less. So I'm not
worried much about what's happened over a month. I believe we're
already seeing a transfomation in US media presentation. Our own
journalists are not stupid. They're Americans too and they'll do the
right thing for their country. I'm optimistic that history will
remember American journalists as being a powerful force toward the
ultimate defeat of all advocates of organized terrorism. It won't
hurt a thing, I think, that those journalist's bosses are mostly
feeling the same way. For those reasons the context of this
situation is not at all like the that of the Viet Nam War.
(374 following messages)
New York Times on the Web Forums Science
Missile Defense