New York Times on the Web Forums Science
Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's
war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars"
defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make
the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an
application of science be successful? Is a militarized space
inevitable, necessary or impossible?
(10169 previous messages)
- 10:19pm Oct 6, 2001 EST (#10170
of 10185) Robert Showalter
On Powell, and press coverage of him, that makes him look
especially good now: MD8992 rshowalter
9/3/01 7:45pm
I can personally testify that Secretary Powell did not inherit a
"rose garden". MD8393 rshowalter
9/3/01 9:02pm
Poems cited in
have been deleted with the links stated, but are: Chain
Secular Redemption
.... and a link that explains what this "bloke, doing the best he
can" owes to Dawn Riley:
. Learning to Stand
If I ever accomplish anything at all, it will be due to the
brilliance and grace of Dawn Riley.
- 10:25pm Oct 6, 2001 EST (#10171
of 10185) Robert Showalter
MD8394-8396 rshowalter
9/3/01 9:08pm
- 10:47pm Oct 6, 2001 EST (#10172
of 10185) Robert Showalter
"Good news" : MD9479 rshowalter
9/19/01 5:35pm
And a fact I think is fundamental, and that can lead to useful
action: MD9483 rshowalter
9/19/01 5:42pm
- 10:57pm Oct 6, 2001 EST (#10173
of 10185) "Bloke at work, doing the best he can." Powell
If Liberty clutches Afghanistan to her iron breast, the question
is - how to restore status to women - how to empower them
as against the male taliban population currently 'beating' on
them and treating them as 'cattle' (ABCtvUS)
One answer is to put the aid through the women - via their
Knowledge exchanges. Incomes equate with status with 'power' with
respect. To bring culture back into kilter - rshowalter
9/19/01 5:42pm
- 11:22pm Oct 6, 2001 EST (#10174
of 10185) "Bloke at work, doing the best he can." Powell
Land mines may not be nuclear, but, Afghanistan has 'the most' of
any Nation.
Every 15 minutes someone is killed or maimed.
If the world is managing to cosey-up and chat these days - why
not chat about landmines.
The countries that make and sell them should:
Pay for their clearance
Pay compensation to victim/family
- 11:44pm Oct 6, 2001 EST (#10175
of 10185) "Bloke at work, doing the best he can." Powell
The Power of
one combine this with a wheel. Original infrastructure generates
pride for 'builders', users, and a Nation.
The 'be proud of our achievement' gene has dissipated.
- 04:39am Oct 7, 2001 EST (#10176
of 10185)
possumdag - YOU STATE in possumdag - 05:57am Oct 6, 2001 EST
(#10113) THAT "Ledzeppelin thou art a little cynical t'wards one
landlord of souls .. "
I am cynical firstly because I have seen in my short life time
hundreds of thousands killed in the name of religion. Moreover I
note the billions that so called religious orders hoard, whilst the
world starves...... When the Pope and all the rest, cough up their
hoards for the frail poor and frightened then they on that day will
have some merit and could even become landlord to my soul! But do
not hold your breath waiting......
(9 following messages)
New York Times on the Web Forums Science
Missile Defense