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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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rshowalter - 12:08am Apr 2, 2001 EST (#1898 of 1925) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

I've had 3 beers -- after a long, stressful day - a very American response. So I'll not finish reading the pieces tonight - will approach them with more energy and sobriety tomorrow.

2 initial responses:

1. China is simply too insular in reflexes to be a plausible enemy to the US.

2. If China did everything to grow that it could -- by the time it became at "threat" -- all of our current military hardware, including Aegis, would be ridiculously obsolete. I'd think both Taiwan, and US, would want to postpone making ANY expenditures based on the "Chinese threat" until they saw there was one, and SAW THE TECHNOLOGY THAT COULD REASONBABLY BE EXPECTED IN THE TIME FRAME WHERE CONFLICT MIGHT REASONABLY BE EXPECTED.

It would be cheaper to TALK to China rather than to threaten her -- because we don't have the power to do much more than anger this great nation, as things now stand, unless the US uses nuclear weapons in a way that would end its claims to decency and economic trustworthiness in the world.

For China's part -- she says she wants to "reclaim Taiwan as part of China" -- and I hear the words, but don't understand what they mean.

In detailed, operationally complete terms, what can this mean?

If China had a workable answer here -- then perhaps she'd be in a postition to offer a humanly acceptable deal to Taiwanese, who emphatically think of themselves as Chinese and long, at many deep levels, for a workable reunification with the whole of China.

lunarchick - 01:09am Apr 2, 2001 EST (#1899 of 1925)

Interesting links above Alex. May be expedient to refer to 'energy needs' rather than energy in a specific format (Oil).

With regards to the balance of power, the second article was on the cusp of the popular IT revolution. The new Empires are those of the mind, not geographical land mass. With regard to this India is well placed to considerably increase it's influence and wealth.

Just as the Japanese took the electronics market from the bottom - up, so too India might become a major stakeholder in the Global IT market. It will of course require a more consistent and improved power supply to assure reliability.

dirac_10 - 03:15am Apr 2, 2001 EST (#1900 of 1925)

Well, the Communist Chinese are asking for ransom for the POW's and the airplane.

Spitting in GW's face. Grabbed him by the ear and are leading him around as he politely begs them to give the plane back and to let the Red Cross or whoever talk to the POW's.

Sneering at the fawning GW. Looking for trouble, begging for trouble, heck, itching for trouble.

They just pushed all their chips into the center of the table. They are calling GW's bluff. They are saying he is all talk, they have tired of it, and they are shutting him up. It's war or accept the national humiliation.

Assuming they have miscalculated, and GW won't humbly knuckle under, when the Long March ICBM is heading for Los Angeles, I wonder if the missle defense will still seem so expensive.

Until then, I recommend getting on Interstate and heading east.

lunarchick - 04:28am Apr 2, 2001 EST (#1901 of 1925)

The Chinese have a fixation re everything East of the Great Wall. They might concentrate on improving the quality of life. As for Bush. What standing would the guy have ? Has he ever been to China ? Perhaps for a laugh they'll make him fly China Airways to collect the guys and the spy plane.

lunarchick - 06:14am Apr 2, 2001 EST (#1902 of 1925)

Loosing the popularity stakes

rshowalter - 08:34am Apr 2, 2001 EST (#1903 of 1925) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

almarst_2001 I'm looking at the references you set out in 1896. They are extensive, and will take some time.

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