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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 09:45pm Mar 20, 2001 EST (#1212 of 1219)

Discussion re Indian Defense Minister (filmed taking cash re a supposed Arms Deal) ...

"Should Journalists revert to secretive methods to expose truth"

... some Indians say yes, others say this guy was 'The finest Finance Minister India has ever had .. ' I still don't have the actual LINK that has this 'bribe take' playing !

Shows how the public 'can neither think nor look - straight' even with guidance.

lunarchick - 09:50pm Mar 20, 2001 EST (#1213 of 1219)

I note Bush isn't into workers rights! Will his homeground popularity start to SLIP .. how are the polls going ?

lunarchick - 09:52pm Mar 20, 2001 EST (#1214 of 1219)

Z tv India will repeat the broadcasts of the Defense minister taking bribes ... for those who missed them first time round. "Indian Express" newspaper.

lunarchick - 09:55pm Mar 20, 2001 EST (#1215 of 1219)

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Moscow reacted furiously on Tuesday to weekend comments by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who repeated charges that Russia's exports of rocket and nuclear know-how had forced it to build a missile shield.

In an interview with the London Sunday Telegraph newspaper, Rumsfeld branded Russia "an active proliferator," a phrase that sparked uproar in Moscow when he first coined it last month.

He said the transfer of sensitive technology from Russia was helping hostile states like Iran and North Korea build weapons of mass destruction that could threaten the United States.

"The reason for these groundless, Cold War-style accusations becomes clear when these two exponents of military theory start listing the fragile 'reasons' for the creation of a national missile defense system (NMD)," said the ministry, referring to Rumsfeld and his deputy Paul Wolfowitz.

"It would appear that the new Pentagon leadership is experiencing some difficulty in adapting to the realities of the post-confrontational period," the statement said.

Washington says it needs a limited shield to counter the perceived threat posed by "rogue" states, and has vowed to push ahead with a $60 billion NMD scheme even at the cost of a landmark treaty which bans such systems.

Moscow opposes the scheme and any revision of the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM), saying the missile shield would undermine its own deterrent and trigger a new arms race.

Rumsfeld, who was also defense secretary under president Gerald Ford in the mid-1970s, said NMD was a direct of result of Russia's willingness "to sell anything to anyone for money."

Washington should use the billions of dollars it has given Moscow in aid and business to extract a pledge to halt the trade, he added.

But Russia's Foreign Ministry accused Rumsfeld, who has dismissed the ABM treaty as "ancient history," and Wolfowitz of behaving like a Cold War warrior trapped in a time warp.

"After eight years outside the corridors of power, senior members of the U.S. military agencies appear not to understand how much the world has changed during this time," it added.

"It is alarming that the categorical comments of Mr. Rumsfeld and Mr. Wolfowitz clearly go against the public position of the new U.S. president."

President George W. Bus

lunarchick - 10:01pm Mar 20, 2001 EST (#1216 of 1219)

Canada - Panic leads to LIE

Begs the question of how people react to make uncertain circumstances seemingly more certain!

lunarchick - 11:57pm Mar 20, 2001 EST (#1217 of 1219)

Hanan Ashrawi, a prominent Palestinian lawmaker, was slightly wounded in a leg when Israeli soldiers lobbed a stun grenade at the demonstration. Palestinian officials said several other women had also been wounded (nyt)

lunarchick - 12:04am Mar 21, 2001 EST (#1218 of 1219)

lunarchick - 05:20am Mar 21, 2001 EST (#1219 of 1219)

Conventional warfare is said to be devised by the 'evil' minded, in respect of the fact that 80% of women going through refugee camps in all countries have been abused, tortured, raped. This is done in a devised systematic manner -- to order(s).

The Unitied Nations now have a permenant war court set up in the Hauge to investigate crimes against women.

Mindsets re war do change .. the boiling tar, wheel and iron maiden ... are no longer 'enjoyed'. The quesion is how to prevent war, and here improved communication seems to be an ideal.

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