New York Times on the Web Forums Science
Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans
for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be
limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI
all over again?
(1143 previous messages)
- 08:04pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1144
of 1148) Robert Showalter showalte@macc.wisc.edu
Here's a pair of guidelines, that Steve sets out for scholarly
groups, that I think should apply to political and economic systems,
" Guideline for Scholarly Controversy: When two
(or more) groups of empirically grounded scholars create
conflicting solutions for a single problem, and this leads to
back-and-forth arguments for decades, then it is likely that each
group has some of the truth, but not all of it.
Corollary: When two (or more) groups of
empirically grounded scholars have a long-continuing argument, an
improved solution can often be found by reframing the problem to
include the solidly grounded data underlying both sides of the
The world views of the Russians and Americans each have some of
the truth, but not all of it.
Reframings that preserve what works well empirically, for both
systems, might well improve things.
Also, when a system as a whole fails, it doesn't necessarily make
sense (for a social system, which is multiply articulated) to
abandon and discredit all of it. There may be good reasons to
preserve the parts that worked well. And may be good reason to be
proud of all the parts of it that worked well in the past, and
especially the parts that worked well consistently.
- 08:22pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1145
of 1148) Robert Showalter showalte@macc.wisc.edu
In the West, more in America than anywhere else, the idea has
been standard that conspiracies are somehow bad to talk about
- that everything is the result of impersonal forces, or anyway,
"nobody's fault" -- or, as a matter of convention, that's the way to
talk about it.
. This pattern makes for some non-confrontational
and smooth social conventions, and may be efficient for that
reason, even in some cases where it happens to be wrong. The
pattern may also very often fit reality. Even so, this pattern, as
a doctrine, makes a social group vulnerable to real conspiracies,
especially conspiricies involving things not to be discussed.
. . . . . . .
In Russia, and in Marxism in general, the idea has been standard
that economic activity was based on decisions of people - and that
these people, exercising social and technical power, determined
. This pattern institutionalizes certain inherent
tensions between the better off and the worse off, and may be
inefficient because of these tensions, under some circumstances,
even in cases where it happens to be true. But the pattern may
very often fit reality, and give good guidance, as well. Even so,
this pattern, as a doctrine, makes a social group vulnerable to
misjudgements, when social interactions do not have conspiratorial
explanations, as often happens.
Both patterns are sometimes empirically right, and sometimes
empirically wrong.
In cases where facts matter more than the comfort that comes from
social fictions, it would make sense to consider BOTH the
"conspiracy" kind of explanation, and the "no fault" pattern of
explanation. In some cases, one pattern will work, and in some other
cases, the other.
In matters of war and peace, and especially where the nuclear
terror is concerned, facts matter.
And these facts should be determined, in specific detail. Because
these facts matter so much. Russia, and the rest of the world, and
the 99.99% of the American public which CANNOT have any interest in
military misrepresentation, should insist on it.
- 09:14pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1146
of 1148) Robert Showalter showalte@macc.wisc.edu
"Science News Poetry" 2/14/01 7:18am sets out the advantages of
sending in clear in the new internet world. Because mistakes
and deceptions are so harmful to the workings of sociotechnical
systems, it is important that we move toward more open ways of doing
business. It is safe to do so.
Dawn Riley spoke of "One thousand and one excuses have been
made as to why the missile status quo will remain ... how can this
chain of NONcommonNonSense be broken?"
This seems clear to me - FACTS have to be determined, that will
take staff work, and access to information sources that are now
widely available on the internet.
It may be that, for now, the US government will abstain from
participating in any effort ot determine those facts - as it has
sometimes vetoed the will of everyone else on the Security Council,
or even the whole UN.
If the current US government "declines to participate" would that
vitiate the exercise?
- 09:15pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1147
of 1148) Robert Showalter showalte@macc.wisc.edu
No. Because the government position crumbles when it can be shown
to be based on lies and gross misjudgements. Our government may
sometimes be skilled at evading facts, and much of our press may be
motivated to "keep people happy"-- and maybe keep its owners happy,
by ignoring unpleasant facts. But the evasions have their limits.
And when the tide turns, it can turn forcefully. Newspapers don't
like to miss the truth, it enough of their customers notice.
Reporters are sometimes proud people, and they can have power as
well. With the internet, information is hard to suppress.
And there are MANY Americans interested in getting the facts.
Could the US government just ignore this -- American society
would not, and politicians, who care about votes as well as payoffs,
couldn't either.
Berle's rules of power are important here -- when the ideas
behind an institution lose legitimacy, that institution's days are
numbered. See especially rules #3 and #5 (948)rshowalter
3/12/01 10:02am
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New York Times on the Web Forums Science
Missile Defense