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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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almarst-2001 - 05:26pm Mar 11, 2001 EST (#932 of 938)

rshowalter 3/11/01 5:16pm

"I'd argue that such a conspiracy was a brilliant, if very risky strategim for winning the Cold War without a nuclear interchange. I'd argue that the strategy was carried out, and succeeded."

It succeeded assuming the goals af a Cold War was the great enrichement of a small financial elite at the expence of millions of ordinary people.

It was officially stated the Cold War was to prevent the communism to take over the planet and enslave all people - an evil worth dying for in a battle like they say in NH - "Live Free or Die";)

Indeed some food for the searching mind!

almarst-2001 - 05:33pm Mar 11, 2001 EST (#933 of 938)

rshowalter 3/11/01 5:21pm

Robert, again I must disagree.

The horror of the WWII was inflicted without nuclear wearpons. Just russians lost over 30 million people, at least half of them civilians.

The goal is not to eliminate the nuclear wearpons bur to reduce if not possible to eliminate entirely a cause and consequences of War.

As long as there is a disballance of a power for the questionable and suspicious reasons and posture, nuclear or other, the situation will remain very dangerous. In those circumstances, the nuclear detterent is POSITIVE rather then negative. And I hope it will stay that way untill real intentions of US will become clear and its rethoric start matching its deads.

rshowalter - 05:41pm Mar 11, 2001 EST (#934 of 938) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

If my life had gone just a little differently I would have been part of that conspiracy. And PROUD to be part of that conspiracy.

It wasn't set up as a way of making money at all.

But it did turn out to be a way of making money. Huge, untraceable amounts of money.

And once that started, things became corrupt.

And very dangerous.

Our nuclear policy makes no sense. Nuclear weapons are obsolete menaces, likely to destroy the world, and we should take them down.

I suggested a way of doing that, based on the distrust that we must assume , in #266, this thread. rshowalt 9/25/00 7:32am

rshowalter - 05:43pm Mar 11, 2001 EST (#935 of 938) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

almarst-2001 , I'm taking a break.

almarst-2001 - 06:03pm Mar 11, 2001 EST (#936 of 938)

rshowalter 3/11/01 5:41pm

"If my life had gone just a little differently I would have been part of that conspiracy. And PROUD to be part of that conspiracy.

It wasn't set up as a way of making money at all. "

Unfortunatly your view is not unique in this country. May even be a prevealing one.

I see things very diffrently and can't honestly accept your point of view. Nor should other nations like Russia as i mentioned before, china who suffered British colonialial rule and Japanise brutal invasion.

The Wars are never about Ideology even Ideology, including Religion, is alwaise used as a tool to mobilise the "gun meat" masses to commit crimes and die for enrichement of fiew and enslavement and conquest of many.

lunarchick - 06:42pm Mar 11, 2001 EST (#937 of 938)

Noting that Germany, Russia had 'mad-men' as leaders .. the deaths and casualties were high in WWII, because the leaders saw conquoring LAND (Killing people) as Empire Growth.

And yet, weren't most Empires about 'Trade' ?

The digital Empires currently being established are about the re-alignment of the mind towards 'Trade' and as such may succeed.

Will be interesting to watch how Globalisation (that has always existed) plays out, as attention is focused on the Laws that make that environment. There will be qualitative upgrades in these Standards that may threaten the power structures of the Island-State, while, unifying and freeing the global environment from unnecessary constraint.

lunarchick - 03:53am Mar 12, 2001 EST (#938 of 938)

Interesting happenings in China. As a fund raiser the kids in a school made fireworks (fun rockets). They worked half their class time on fireworks. The fireworks struck back and bit the kids, killing 40 people. China government removed from the news all truth. In place of truth stated a gunman had killed the people (copy-cat USA approach).

The Chinese gov are now reacting by throwing foreign workers out of Chinese Schools.

Does raise the question as to why the Chinese gov would be spending money on missiles when they aren't meeting the basic needs of their people.

Wonder how thinking in relation to the 2008 Olympics factors into thinking here.

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