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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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lunarchick - 08:21pm Feb 20, 2001 EST (#725 of 727)

Canada and Poland only have supported USA_UK recent action against Iraq.

Rouge States are often run by the Tall_Poppy_Domino dressed as Tribal-leader or Ancient Clerick who, most often, represent their own, rather than a universal constituency.

The universal constituent is the one currently sitting in the noman's land of oppression, or diffused to a refugee camp, looking for life - a better life.

Within Nations there is the question of the deliverance of equity and opportunity to the constituency. Iraq is three-zoned, oil(gulf), tribal President (political power) and Kurd(Culturally denied via artificial map-line boundary).

A question that comes to mind, is, how to improve equity for the North. This might be done via expenditure and assistance programs for them.

The Smart sanction option is now being touted: aimed at limiting the travel of the elite, and limit their purchase of weapons. Thus enabling a loosening of controls and improving the life of the regular citizen.

lunarchick - 09:12pm Feb 20, 2001 EST (#726 of 727)

A question to ask is

'Does the current Iraq leadership have a dispostion towards improving the lot of the people generally, or, do aid monies go into private bank accounts?'

lunarchick - 08:14am Feb 21, 2001 EST (#727 of 727)

Re language and MD

Words connected with MD in 'popular-cultural' usage would include:

Nuke ... it's an ugly word used in an ugly way

Can MD words be listed ... do they all fall on the ugly side ... any or non on the side of beauty?

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