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    Missile Defense

Keywords: optics

n Missile Defense #2826 - rshowalter Apr 30, 2001 01:44 pm
There's also the matter of stealth technology, and its optical analogs.

The resolution problems on Star Wars are crazy.

There are, however, some limited technical possiblities...

n Missile Defense #1988 - rshowalter Apr 5, 2001 05:56 am
almarst-2001 4/4/01 8:32pm

" The milestone was the first "light test" of the Track Illuminator Laser at a facility El Segundo, Calif. The TILL, one of four critical lasers in the ABL, was the first to demonstrate that it can project powerful pulses of light on a small section of a missile and obtain data of the target's speed, elevation and probable point of impact.

Note how very early in the control logic, and also ask exactly what the errors of x, y, z axis velocity and position are using most optimistic theoretical assumptions, for this lasar, on the geometry of targets in question...

n Missile Defense #1591 - rshowalter Mar 28, 2001 08:01 am
Key Reasons for Carefulness - And to Favor Factually and Logically Correct Approaches and Communications:

The issues of reliability, and expected rates of return for sociotechnical investment decision by real people set out in #1394-1406 seem especially important now, and I'm trying to proceed with care, and enough time to do key things right, because of a concern for right answers and stability.

Quick, cocksure, easy answers can seem the best ones, in the short term, but when they start to fail, the costs can be immense. I'd like to refer to an ongoing business story, an aspect of which made the NYT today:


n Missile Defense #871 - rshowalter Mar 8, 2001 06:30 am
My computer is penetrated -- when I'm being threatened, my optical reader program activates -- and I have to take some steps to shut it down. I just got warned.

Even so, the power of the people warning me, though they could undoubtedly kill me easily, is limited...

n Missile Defense #601 - dirac_10 Jan 26, 2001 12:51 am
US steadies aim of space laser

Thursday, 25 January 2001 13:43 (ET)

EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Jan. 25 (UPI) -- The development of a futuristic orbiting laser capable of shooting down missiles headed for the United States took a step forward with the successful test of a means to keep the weapon pointed at its target in the weightless environment of space.

Engineers from the Space Based Laser-Integrated Flight Experiment (SPL-IFX) consortium successfully tested software designed to keep the laser's telescopic targeting optics fixed on their targets while the weapon is firing, it was announced Thursday...

n Missile Defense #541 - dirac_10 Jan 8, 2001 02:50 am
rshowalter - 10:29am Jan 7, 2001 EST (#540 of 540)

If there is any valid reason to expect that any of this stuff works, I'd be glad to know of it - references anyone?

What stuff? Can you be a little more specific...

n Missile Defense #540 - rshowalter Jan 7, 2001 10:29 am
If there is any valid reason to expect that any of this stuff works, I'd be glad to know of it - references anyone?

The fact that the Israelis bought a prototype, given US - Israeli military-aid-intelligence relationships, says NOTHING about how valid or useful the hardware is. If the purchase by the Israelis gives "rhetorical cover" for a project, and the US asks, Israel will do what makes sense for it - which, subject to negotiation, is to go along...

n Missile Defense #13 - brer_rabbit May 27, 2000 12:03 pm
kalter.rauch - 04:30am May 27, 2000 EDT (#11 of 12)

Not you too......I told Marabod (Russian Pol. Frm.) (and now you)......I said, BATTERIES......NOT SOLAR CELLS!!!"


Marabod knows everything...

n Missile Defense #11 - kalter.rauch May 27, 2000 04:30 am
brer_rabbit 5/27/00 3:59am

  • Of course what this country really needs is a good solar cell battery...

    Not you too......I told Marabod (Russian Pol. Frm.) (and now you)......I said, BATTERIES......NOT SOLAR CELLS!!!"


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