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 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  /

    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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rshow55 - 08:30pm Mar 14, 2003 EST (# 9959 of 9979) Delete Message
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for on this thread.

A very professional posting from gisterme: "Talking Dog For Sale"


Given the level of fear and self-serving in the government - of course "there are no records.' It would be easy for me to go into Langley and talk - except that I got a call from a person who identified herself as an officer of CIA (after I called and talked with an officer at CIA who I'd known for years). I was told in no uncertain terms that I'd be arrested if I did go to Langley. Same message was delivered in another call to my wife. So, as usual - "direct approaches" don't work.

I met with an official of the University of Wisconsin - twice - and I've good reason to believe that UW made contact with the FBI - with reasonable requests. The matter was buried. It was inconvenient to the UW - not just to me.

"The way the US works" is that people (including some lawyers I've talked to) are terrified of the CIA.

As for suing the pants off the government - that will work pretty well, I suspect, later.

As it stands, I'm doing my job -and doing it well. As those people who know who gisterme is will know.

As usual, the government bends over backwards to avoid getting anywhere near to information that can be embarrassing.

NASA Was Asked to 'Beg' for Help on Shuttle Photos By MATTHEW L. WALD with EDWARD WONG

rshow55 - 08:35pm Mar 14, 2003 EST (# 9960 of 9979) Delete Message
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for on this thread.

A number of cites from this thread on the article Repress Yourself , especially connected to the shuttle matter, have been set out on the thread devoted to Slater's article

114 to 126

The lengths to which NASA has gone to keep itself from good decisions - set out in NASA Was Asked to 'Beg' for Help on Shuttle Photos By MATTHEW L. WALD with EDWARD WONG - ought to give responsible, patriotic Americans pause.

lchic - 08:42pm Mar 14, 2003 EST (# 9961 of 9979)
~~~~ It got understood and exposed ~~~~

Gisterme - Showalter's doing a great job for humanity right here.

On the board time and time over he's stated his case regarding his need for his former employer the US government to acknowledge him and his work.

It's posted time and time over -- and you've seen it.

Were the USA the 'wonderful democracy' you believe it to be then the CIA properly acknowledge him so that he could properly moe on with HIS live, function and be paid!

Nations should foster their people in the higher ability percentiles ... these are the group with the intellectual capacity to make the breakthroughs and innovations that both stimulate the economy and can be handed down .... improving the living standards and lifestyles of the general population both Nationally and Internationally.


Governments internationally often exhibit incompetence:

A case of a guy in the Cameroons is currently in the news - that government lost his papers ... an interventionist documentary film maker came to his rescue ... the guy's 4 year detention had stretched to 33.

The guy in Paris Airport was abandoned to his fate!

Instances of 'friendly fire' are 'home goals' of incompetence.

lchic - 08:47pm Mar 14, 2003 EST (# 9962 of 9979)
~~~~ It got understood and exposed ~~~~

errata - should read 'properly move on with HIS LIFE'

:) one does try!

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 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  / Missile Defense

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