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(9006 previous messages)
- 04:07pm Feb 16, 2003 EST (#
9007 of 9013)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Summary of postings between Sept 25, 2000 and March 1,
2001 (#4)
#714-715: "The big picture." : How do our military
arrangements look, in terms of what our military is supposed
to do for our country, and for the world? .......And in terms
of the totality of United States interests, and values, in the
world? .......Beauty in context. rshowalter 2/19/01 12:22pm
#734_737: CHECKING FACTS: We aren't set up well to check
facts. And the most basic fact, that we are ignoring, is this:
The most basic fact is this. Distrust and nuclear weapons go
together. That's an inescapable fact. Fear levels, and human
nature dictate that "in general." The historical facts
reinforce the general tendency with irresistable force.
rshowalter 2/21/01 1:49pm
#740-742: Key references, hotkeyed to sources elsewhere on
the internet: There are reasons to doubt the usefulness of
Missile Defense as currently possible, and beckvaa , who I
believe is W.J. Clinton, set up discussion of some of them
rshowalter 2/21/01 3:34pm in
The problems of "paradigm conflict" - systematically
different views of the same facts, from different human
groups, seems evident in nuclear defense. We and the Russians
do not see eye to eye -- and the differences can be garish and
dangerous. rshowalter 2/21/01 3:44pm (741)
Paradigm Shift .... whose getting there?
.... Summaries:
other summaries of the Paradigm Shift thread
are set out in 116^287330@.f28e622/137
CHECKING is an essential, difficult issue in paradigm
conflicts: Especially where power relations are involved,
checking must be MORALLY FORCING .....If some basic facts
could be checked, especially about the existence and dynamics
of mistrust between our nation states, the problems of nuclear
terror find solutions of disciplined beauty.
I believe that everybody concerned about matters of
defense, and especially nuclear deployments, should consider
carefully the concerns about the “military-industrial complex”
set out in the FAREWELL ADDRESS of President Dwight D.
Eisenhower January 17, 1961.
rshowalter 2/21/01 4:02pm
With circumstances that appear to show a disproportion and
operational mismatch between means and ends, the speech seems
to me to raise issues of crucial importance today.
- 04:09pm Feb 16, 2003 EST (#
9008 of 9013)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Summary of postings between Sept 25, 2000 and March 1,
2001 (#5)
KEY QUOTE: #748: To reduce threats, one needs to apply
assurances that, in limited ways, for limited times, weapons
are not going to be used. It is a FACT that the Russians, as a
nation, feel that they have been, and still are, subject to an
active first strike threat from the United States, and this
fact can be checked. If one thinks about the Golden Rule, and
applies it to the Russians, one has to remember this. If one
asks how US actions are regarded in Russia, one has to
remember this. rshowalter 2/22/01 4:48am
#757: I feel that issues of morality deserve special
emphasis in a discussion of nuclear costs. Moral damage has
all sorts of costs, in quality of life and straight economic
terms, because the complex cooperations of productive business
are, so often, based on predictablity and trust. Therefore,
moral inconsistency can be expensive. I suspect that a major
problem, in most underdeveloped countries, involves such
inconsistencies. I don't see how anyone, or any nation, can
adopt a "first use of nucear weapons" policy, and maintain a
moral consistency - it seems to me that our nuclear policies
are corrosive to our whole moral and intellectual life.
rshowalter 2/22/01 6:55pm
(5 following messages)
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Missile Defense