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(7815 previous messages)
- 03:58pm Jan 19, 2003 EST (#
7816 of 7819)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
rshow55 - 12:22pm Jan 2, 2003 EST (# 7220
"Almarst , thanks for this reference.
"Saddam just made a step (I'm assuming he controls his son)
that makes the weights of the arguments in favor of attacking
Iraq very much stronger - the arguments for believing the
inspection process can work very much weaker. It seems a clear
mistake - and I believe that sensible power holders in Iraq
ought to agree - after Iraq has invested so much on the
inspection process.
. Arabs urged to seek nuclear arsenal
By PAUL KORING . . Thursday, January 2 – Posted at 5:37 AM
Washington — The Arab world should follow
North Korea's example and arm itself with nuclear weapons to
prevent further humiliation at U.S. hands, a leading Iraqi
newspaper owned by Saddam Hussein's son said yesterday.
"Korea insists on its right to possess a
technology used by the United States to raze Japanese
cities, and which it still uses to blackmail the world and
force it to obey," the newspaper Babel said as it urged the
Arab world to take heed.
"Arabs need to learn the lesson from the
Korean example," it added, calling on Arabs to launch a
joint effort to acquire nuclear weapons.
- - - - - - - -
"That's unfortunate. Mohammed, Aldouri, or Saddam himself,
ought to think hard about repairing the damage. Such a stance
makes nonsense of the statements in
. Iraq States Its Case By MOHAMMED
rshow55 12/12/02 8:34pm
"It seems to me that if Iraq does not have weapons of
mass destruction - - there are some very interesting questions
about communication and human function at play - where
indignation can only be a part of the response. But where
concern is well justified.
"Some while ago, I said this:
Right now, if Saddam has really done what he
claims - - then his regime is absolutely safe - if he's
half-way competent - - as he often is.
"The piece Koring reports on is stunningly unhelpful from
Iraq's point of view - from the Islamic world's point of view
- and responsible people from all sides should have sense
enough to know it.
. . . .
If we have a fight now, it will be a better, more focused
fight for all the effort people have gone to. And if Iraq is
really prepared to do as it says in Iraq States Its
it should be possible for the Iraqi-US crisis to resolve in
ways that reinforce international law - and work well for the
whole world. Iraq, including its military, its civilian
government, and its scientific infrastructure, would have
plenty to do meeting the needs of its own people - asking -
again and again and again "what happens to the children" - the
children of Iraq - as they actually are -- from where they
are. Some changes, some exceptions, would have to be
implemented so that, though the logic might be "fear first" --
it couldn't be "fear above all, and all the time, always."
Saddam's moved so far that if he wanted to implement
real, active cooperation with the inspection process - he
could do so, and keep his job. Or leave safely, and have other
Iraqis do so. It seems to me that if we have a fight now - it
will be a better, smaller fight because of negotiations that
have occur. And if we can make peace - it will be a better,
more stable peace than would have been possible a while back.
There has to be less repression in Iraq, in a number
of senses. But the US can't, and shouldn't, ask that
repression in every sense be eliminated. That would be
impossible. We couldn't do it ourselves.
- 03:59pm Jan 19, 2003 EST (#
7817 of 7819)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Some situations flop around a good deal before they find a
stable form. Lunarchick reminded me yesterday of the
difference between dither - random perturbations - that can
keep a situation from getting stuck -and oscillations - that
can repeat in an orderly way which makes harmonious and stable
results possible. Pretty often, it is dither that comes first.
Oscillatory solutions can sometimes happen after things are
close enough to a desirable point for stability to be
Pardon me for moving slowly. I've got an ugly story to tell
that I think is important - and I'm trying to do it clearly,
and gracefully.
(2 following messages)
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Missile Defense