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(7596 previous messages)
- 06:59pm Jan 11, 2003 EST (#
7597 of 7600)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Some things are clear - and some not - and I'm at a
stage where I've got to make a decision.
A. For some sequences, you have to do clear bookeeping
about loop counting - and the guesses you make about the
counts. There are some big advantages and disadvantages to
these sequences.
B. For some other sequences, you can't possibly do clear
bookeeping about loop counting - except in a statistical sense
that can be VERY good or VERY bad depending on cases - and you
have no hope of achieving any but oscillatory solutions -
which can be VERY good if the oscillations are small enough in
magnitude, high enough in frequency, and have little enough
crosscorrellation. There are times when you can do beautifully
with these oscillatory solutions - and they can occur in
rather predictable, safe sequences.
If you're to work carefully, some of the time, you have to
know that you're either in case A, or case B. You can be
pretty sure of that, but not certain.
If I return lunarchick's phone call, I know
that I'm in case B - I can't possibly count loops - or keep
track of my guesses about them - and talk to lunarchick
. I have to listen to her when I talk to her, for one thing.
She's much too fast and switchy, for another. That
makes her superb for case B sequences - but poison for case A
sequences - of the kinds I'm thinking about now.
I don't know whether it is better, on balance, to call
lunarchick back now, or not. I can't even guess.
Flipping a coin can be a totally arbitrary and deeply biased
way of guessing (a lot of probabilities are VERY different
from .5) but it is determinant.
I need to make a decision. This time - I will flip a coin.
- 07:14pm Jan 11, 2003 EST (#
7598 of 7600) "You can't eat this, it's people,
it's people"-B....."What about the cherry pie?"
Someone please rip the modem out of this idiot's computer.
Thanks in advance.
- 07:30pm Jan 11, 2003 EST (#
7599 of 7600)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Tails. Maybe a bad choice - but I'll choose to accept it.
I won't return luncarchick's phone call. I'm certain
that I regret not doing so in a lot of ways - and certain that
I need to apologize.
Sorry partner.
I'm also certain that as long as she does things that make
sense to her - and posts on this board as she has - connecting
the board to external facts - and
external-uncorrellated sequences we can use to make judgements
on this board - I'll be grateful- and the posts will be
helpful. I think lunarchick is the most valuable mind
I've ever encountered - and think she's beautiful in every way
that matters to me.
I'm going to work through some problems about canonicity -
for a while. We're at a point where if we just keep moving
carefully - in small enough steps - step by step - we can do
much better.
Some things are sure on the basis of many
different assumptions - or from many different perspectives.
It is sure that neither the Iraqis nor the N.
Koreans want to fight us.
It is sure that we're a lot bigger than they are.
It is sure that we don't have to agree on everything
- even at basic levels - to live together without killing or
injuring each other.
If we're careful, and take some reasonable time - and move
in small steps - we can certainly reduce the incidence
of death and agony from war -for the forseeable future - and
do better in a lot of other ways.
(1 following message)
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Missile Defense