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(6373 previous messages)
- 07:08pm Dec 8, 2002 EST (#
6374 of 6377)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
If the Saudi's do not control Al Queda , perhaps
they, and we, should consider the Golden Rule .
What, with powers reversed, and injuries reversed, would
they do to us under such circumstances?
When the US government put a price on Bin Laden's head -
there was no response. What would have happened if the Saudi's
had actively endorsed bringing Bin Laden to justice? The
question comes close to answering itself. The Saudis, by
virtue of their oil, now own Islam, when it matters on
issues like this. We have a right to hold them responsible.
It seems to me that, since they insist on such homogeneity
- we have a right to hold them all responsible.
- 08:24pm Dec 8, 2002 EST (#
6375 of 6377)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
We're in "interesting times" - - and with care, many key
stories might have happy endings.
3998 rshow55
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11/20/02 7:56pm
But for "intersting stories" - just a small change can make
the difference between happy endings, and horror.
'Wilson's Ghost: Reducing the Risk of Conflict, Killing,
and Catastrophe in the 21st Century' by ROBERT S. McNAMARA
bears careful reading, with emotions and analyticial
capacities both working at adult levels.
We have a chance to reduce the risks of conflict, killing,
and catastrophy now - if leaders work thought the problems
before them sensibly now.
For many of the problems we face, it is vital that
we learn to check facts - and do it better than we have
in the past. Missile Defense, the central subject of this
thread - would be a good place to work out all the conventions
required for doing a much better job than is being done today.
Patterns of collecting and connecting the dots, discussed on
this thread, can help.
6208 rshow55
11/23/02 9:38am
- 08:46pm Dec 8, 2002 EST (#
6376 of 6377)
Noted above
'Iraq is not at threat to it's neighbours' ...
Yet it is a threat to some Iraqi people! The world
needs method and means of helping people trapped within
despotic systems that abuse and kill while failing to value
them as people.
A problem with terroristm is the failure of terrorists to
recognise 'the end of the matter' as is clearly seen in
Northern Ireland where rights were won long ago - and yet the
madness in the minds persists.
Conflicts and wars that drag on have generational drag!
The problem of Israel - USA funding The Butcher
Is beginning to be seen as a problem?
(1 following message)
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Missile Defense