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(5936 previous messages)
- 07:27pm Nov 18, 2002 EST (#
5937 of 5949)
ME - Media - responsibility
Checking out the Al Jezeera site one doesn't notice the
charter of intent one would expect to see.
How does Al Jezeera deal with information sent to them from
factions that might in-general-work-against humanity rather
than for it?
Is there a difference between 'Freedom of Information'
Information that affords humanity maximum freedoms
Is Al Jezeera content to be a sieve for 'any voice' that
happens to send it a tape in the mail?
Or does it have visionary principles that discard
irrational propaganda?
Has AJ done a stocktake on the world since 9/11, has it
balanced out where Arabs were - and are now, has it itself
looked for 'the visionary way forward for Arab States', does
it have a policy of promotion here.
On their site it was interesting to note the station is
popular with the local 'male' .... are there any local
'females' or don't they get polled - if not - why not?
- 07:30pm Nov 18, 2002 EST (#
5938 of 5949)
London had a problem with terrorists - financed by ... well
we all know the varied sources that financed the IRA.
The UK media reported information on the negative
happenings of terrorism - but - they did not broadcast 'the
voices' of the terrorists - rather they were 'voiced over'.
Their comments were reported - but - indirectly.
- 07:32pm Nov 18, 2002 EST (#
5939 of 5949)
of Broadcasters shows the need for strategies and policies
that meet the REAL NEEDS of peoples everywhere.
- 07:37pm Nov 18, 2002 EST (#
5940 of 5949)
If broadcasters act irresponsibly and give too much
weighting to aspects of international affairs that are
propaganda and sensationalism - would they have an real
understanding of the consequences.
Of the damage they might inflict on immature minds.
On the courses of action they might influence people to
take - that have no endgame - and afford nothing but pain to
Would those so influenced, who go on to commit unspeakable
actions, turn around and apportion blame (to legally claim
against) media.
Broadcasters need to pay attention to the 'rules', 'ethics'
and 'morals' that permit the world to turn smoothly - that
overall lead to the greatest happiness of their audience.
- 07:46pm Nov 18, 2002 EST (#
5941 of 5949)
11/18/02 7:37pm
The blind and deaf audience is always the happiest one.
- 07:54pm Nov 18, 2002 EST (#
5942 of 5949)
What a fella!
Son of Helen
fella == fellow
- 07:55pm Nov 18, 2002 EST (#
5943 of 5949)
(6 following messages)
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Missile Defense